Broodies on eggs? Broodies with babies? Post here.

That is awfull about your broody!
I'm so sorry. Out of thirteen hens, I only got three good broodies.

On another note, I put my two chicks I hatched in the incubator under a broody last night, and they were under her and peeping this morning:weee
I was so afraid she would kick them out or they would leave the nest. I had to sort of toss them over her back so they would be forced to crawl under her to get to me since they seemed to think I was the momma:/ Anyway, when they got under her and realized it was warm, they stayed put.
All my hens tend to lay in one box (despite having more then enough boxes) and she started sitting on those eggs. When she went broody, the other hens began laying in another box. The eggs she was sitting on were infertile so I swapped them for fertile ones a friend gave me. So far so good. It has been over a week.
My broody BR kept getting kicked out of her nest box, so I fenced in the bottom row of nest boxes where no one likes to lay. She's got peace and quiet now, and can just stay on her nest without being kicked off.

I put 12 B/B/S silkie eggs from equus2 under her on Thursday, so it looks like our babies will be here April 1 or April 2. I can hardly wait for silkies!
All these postings about broodies being bothered. My hen has so much peace, she never leaves her nest, so it seems. I have even started putting a little cup of water and some food in the nest with her. She seem so content just to lay on her eggs. She is my only hen and the roosters dont seem to bother her at all.
These are my millies - two are broody, two just wanted to use that box. I have given up with now SEVEN broodies I just marked and gave them all some eggs then remove the ones that aren't marked. We made 4 semi-private boxes and now everyone wants in those instead of where they used to nest.


My splash cochin who bites and don't share with NOONE!

My first broody is a TURKEY??? The BA's have been laying longer but nope the first thing to go broody here is a Bourbon Red Turkey and yes, she's laid them in the hen house. That's one confused bird.

Turkeys are 25-28 days? OH my, this is going to take forever. I thought incubating chickens was bad. I may have to move her to get her any peace, all the layers want to lay in that one spot. I fed her there today. I may cordon off part of Coyote Ugly (the turkey coop) for her and get her the dog house to keep the nest in, given the weird weather.

It could have been stranger the coop Rabbit could have gone broody. I'll settle for the turkey.

When Lavender got off of the nest today to go outside for her potty break, I saw one of her eggs move!
I picked it up and I could feel the chick moving inside!
So amazing!

She's seems to be sitting on the eggs differently today, she's not covering them up/tucking them under as much. I don't know what that means.
My broody isn't getting off the nest to poo. She's in the bottom row of nest boxes. Our nest boxes have hinged doors that lift to access eggs from outside, and she's sitting with her backside toward the door. When I opened the door to check on her this afternoon, I stuck my fingers in a pile of poo! Nasty chicken!

I don't suppose anyone knows how to make her get off to poo?

I candled the EE egg that is under her, as it's been there the longest. Today is day 9 for it. My light isn't powerful enough to see anything other than a very clear air cell at one end. I can't wait til the silkie eggs (on day 6 today) have been there a little longer so I can candle them. They're shipped eggs, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good hatch percentage from them.

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