Brooding bantam and LF chicks in same brooder


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Northern Virginia
Can I mix bantam chicks and large fowl chicks in the same brooder? We have both due to hatch in 5 days. I had thought that they would be fine together, but after watching the little wild ones we have in the brooder now I am not so sure. They seem to be having a rave party or a mosh pit or something. Flying and jumping and just general hooliganism going on down in the basement brooder. DH built me a huge one and they are using every bit of it. Thanks for the help.
it really depends on the breeds, I keep faverolle, serama, cochin LF, and maran together, but even for their small size serama are feisty little birds, but the LF birds are calm ones
These will be buff Japanese mixed with LF Marans, EE, and Ameraucana's. Maybe some Lav Orps, but these are not looking good when I candle. Thursday will be last candle and lockdown. Anyway, are Japanese bantams feisty enough?
yes, they have attitudes like a serama, try it and keep an eye on them sometime there can be problems but you should be OK, one of my serama chicks is a micro, half the size of the other serama chicks he's holding his own right now
thanks for the reply. I'll just have them together and keep an eye on them at first. I'll think of an alternative brooder just in case. I can't wait to see these little Japanese bantam chicks! They will be our first from our pair.
Update: The large fowl Marans and the japanese bantams have been getting along very well in the same brooder. The little bantams are so fast that even when the gingantor Marans try to fly at them them just jump out of the way. I think I can hear them shout 'Ole as the big one runs past. Very cute! Thanks for the info Buck creek!

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