Broody alert!


Omelette Connoisseur
Mar 14, 2021
SW Missouri
Hiya BYC! I’m ecstatic to say I have my first broody hen! She is surprisingly one of my Polish Crested, I would expect one of my Orps to go broody first to be honest. She has been broody for the past three days, so I put some eggs under her for her to try and hatch. The only thing is that she’s in one of the second story nesting boxes, so I’m a bit worried that (if she does successfully hatch chicks) when they hatch, they would fall and hurt themselves. I’m considering putting a ladder up to the box so she could climb down. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hiya BYC! I’m ecstatic to say I have my first broody hen! She is surprisingly one of my Polish Crested, I would expect one of my Orps to go broody first to be honest. She has been broody for the past three days, so I put some eggs under her for her to try and hatch. The only thing is that she’s in one of the second story nesting boxes, so I’m a bit worried that (if she does successfully hatch chicks) when they hatch, they would fall and hurt themselves. I’m considering putting a ladder up to the box so she could climb down. Any ideas? Thanks!
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