Broody ate egg and sudden mite attack.


Chicken Rancher
5 Years
May 4, 2018
North Texas
We have a broody Cuckoo Marans who was being a good broody up until this morning when we found she had ate one of her eggs. :hit We only gave her two eggs because we don’t need anymore chickens, especially mixed breeds, but she wouldn’t give up being broody. She would get up to scratch, nap and drink but never dust bathe which I feel could have contributed to the mites. It’s Day 13 and we still have one egg that is alive. I’ve kicked her off the nest because of the mites.

What do I do for the mites? :barnie Also I've taken her last egg should I give it back to her? This egg is from my favorite hen so I really don’t want to lose it. :he
I would recommend rubbing her with some DE if they are that bad. Don’t smother her in but apply a good coat. Chances are your other hens have mites as well and will need to be treated. I would recommend changing out the bedding for where the one egg is supposed to go before giving th egg back to her.
If the mites are bad they can kill her. She will need to be treated soon for them. Today I just Declared war on some scaly leg mites. The whole coop has been sprinkled with DE and the roost have been wiped down with organic apple cider vinegar.
She also most likely ate she egg because she cracked it. Mine have done that before.
Sounds good to me! If you are able to find out the type of mites they have you will be able to treat for them better.
Keep us updated on how it’s going!

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