Broody/chick issue

That is the vitamin & electrolytes I'm giving her. I read someplace to give 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per gallon depending on mainenance(?) dose or ailment(?) dose and not more then about 5 days before giving fresh water for a couple days then go back V&E if needed. I was also told not long term for healthy chickens. So I removed V&E from all waterer's other then the one inside that Big Momma uses exclusively.

I am waiting a call back to find out what the vet gave Big Momma for any possible internal parasites for a process of elimination dose on the farm call a little over a week ago. Excuse me while I grasp at straws...

I will let you know when I get the call back. Maybe, if they choose, Maybe one other here can fill you in on some things that have been going on. I have been none stop chasing chicks and feeding mom worms when I can find them and keep them from the chicks. Geez just looked at the clock, thats almost 6 hours. I am gonna take a break get something to eat myself and catch up on goings on around the nation/world through alternative media.

God Bless

Please direct me to any questions I have missed I am tired
Oh the poo has change from green and watery to yellow(?). Green was because all she was eating was a little grass. yellow probably because of the V&E and got a decent dose of worms yesterday and I dug a few today. Not much of any poo at all. Just a little drop if any till she starts eating more... Her body is sucking any nutrient she gets. Not sure anything is getting to the out road. She is nearly dead! Barely hanging on. But slowly showing signs that she still has fight and cares about her now 10 kids.

Also probably watery because all she was doing was drinking water. It seems to be firming up what little there is, green because of grass and now yellow because of V&E. What will be the next color because of worms is anyones guess. Grass and worms.... and water
I will attempt video when everyone is out and about again and put it on youtube if I can log in. Otherwise I will cut images out of video and load here. I do not own a camera anymore just a camcorder that don't take stills. I'm out of here til vet calls. Sorry I am beat
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P.S. Dusting her with DE then wood ash last-night is probably why she is eating anything at all now. Actually... it is probably the Vitamins & electrolytes a day or 2 earlier that has started the up(?) cycle... Thinking about dusting with wood ash again tonight if I can even move. Thoughts/opinions?

Not sure tho. It is trying to rain and with what ash is on her, she WILL NOT going into any rain or wet grass. Hearing water turns it to lye.
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P.S. Dusting her with DE then wood ash last-night is probably why she is eating anything at all now. Actually... it is probably the Vitamins & electrolytes a day or 2 earlier that has started the up(?) cycle... Thinking about dusting with wood ash again tonight if I can even move. Thoughts/opinions?

Not sure tho. It is trying to rain and with what ash is on her, she WILL NOT being into any rain or wet grass. Hearing water turns it to lye.
If she has lice or mites, it would be best to use permethrin dust or permethrin spray. DE doesn't work.
If this is the issue, what about the chicks
If she has lice or mite, the chicks probably do too, so put a little dust on them. My Internet has been down most of the day so I was not able to to read all of your other thread. Can you or someone else summarize the two threads?
Big Momma is a Buff Orphington. She hatched out 7 chicks 2 weeks ago and is still refusing to eat. She drinks lots of water. and nibbles on grass. nibbles...

I have tried live culture yogurt, unsweetened apple sauce, maggot, meal worms, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, fresh squeezed moo juice and other things I am not thinking of at the moment. And nothing. She will eat a little one time and never again. Yogurt being the last one for like the 3rd time. Scrambled eggs yesterday and the day before.

She was wormed a week ago for a just in case, and there are no signs of mites. All she will do is drink water. I have put apple cider vinegar with the mother in it but those chicks need fresh water every couple days.

I can not take her from the chicks, she has an absolute fit. And would likely die faster if I forced her...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. She needs help.

I copied that from BYH. I wondered if she was tidbitting to the chicks because she says she acts like she eats but doesn't. But it sounds like the hen is weak, and she's been keeping the chicks separate for part of the day. She gave the electrolytes and then wood ash. She's gotten the hen to eat some worms. And then the conversation came here. Being from Canada, I thought it safer and more appropriate for someone knowledgeable about your meds to assist with that side of things. And you simply know way more than I do in this respect. :bow
Quick note. Re: "two threads". If you are talking 2 thread being the ones here. They are from 2015 & 2016.

This year this thread and the one are BYH are about this hen. She ate a couple more worms today and actually looked like she was arguing with the chicks and trying to keep them from them so she could eat them.

It seems no one sell powder or spray here Eureka MT. No funds until I get my SSI the first or until I sell my horse tack since he has moved in with my horse trainer. I don't drive anymore because of my neck issues so whitefish/kalispell/libby are out of the question.

The worm medicine was panacur/Fenbendazole

They're are all sleeping last I checked. Separate at night and during the day when she is looking really tired and needs a break. Never unsupervised. I am gonna call it a night. Very tiresome day. Thank you wickedchicken for everything.:)
Is spray ok for chicks if that is all I can get? I have little blue glass spray bottle that would put out more of a mist then spray. Or do I just turn them all gray with wood ash. Many people swear by it. I don't know yet, never tried it 'til with big momma. Will look her over again. Hand 4 hands at the time...

Hoping to borrow money AND convince them to go to the city.

Dang it, I seen many videos of an infestation. She has nothing like what I saw on living chickens that didn't look or act as bad as her. Ya broody and all but it happen so sudden and no infestation I seen 2 or three of something really really tiny with a thorough search of her body. Skin is clean and looks healthy Nothing in vent area at all. Dang belly, whole area is bald.

Will work on video or pics - if it doesn't rain. I guess I can turn off red light and put in regular light and try it in the coop or roofed yard. But no outside time if it is raining. the whole yard is not covered.

Babbling idiot out... Insomnia really stinks.

ps that was before DE or ash
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