broody crushed chicks head while hatching - devastated and DESPERaTE!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
I came home today to find broody off her nest. She left 5 apparently unfertile duck eggs, 1 chick egg and 1 half hatched perfect chick that looks like her head has a piece of shell smashed into it. She was perfect. I have been gone for 7 hours. She was on the nest when I left. Here's the thing, I candled the remaining eggs and the one chicken egg is all dark with aircell and blood veins still visible around the aircell edge. The egg is cold. Is there any hope for this chick or should I just toss it? I don't have an incubator so I don't know if there is anything I could do anyhow.

Is the hen still off her nest? Or did you just happen on her while she was on her "break"? If she decides she's done being broody and you do not have an incubator, you may have lost the batch.

You can go to the incubating and hatching egg section and look up ways to rig up a temporary incubator using toaster ovens or electric skillets or even styrofoam incubators(homemade). I would think if the egg is completly cold and she isn't going back to the nest, the egg may be lost.

I'm sorry. Hopefully someone has much better answers than me, these are just my opinions and I have not dealt with this myself.

On the 27th she hatched one duck egg and on the 28th she hatched 2 chick eggs. I could tell the chicks were getting restless before I left this morning and had a feeling she would take them out today. I just wonder if she gave up after her chick died.
If you can heat up the egg to about 100F and keep it moist in a make shift incubator or heat pad, you may be able to get it to hatch. I have had good broodies and bad broodies. Good ones who have raised chicks wonderfuly, and a bad one who killed her chicks as they hatched and when they were all hatched and dead, just kept on sitting on the empty nest.
I put it in a wipe warmer wrapped in a warm wet towel. The temp was only around 78 so I wrapped the wipe warmer in a heating pad. The problem is I can't see anything. I do have a way to read the temp in there though. I

If the egg still has blood veins would that mean there is a chance it is still alive? How long should I give it? If it is wrapped in a wet towel should I also put water in the bottom.

I knew I should have gotten an incubator just in case. It wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't lost the other chick in such an awful way. She was so close. She was almost completely out of her shell!
*Hugs* Sorry

How's the egg?
There has been no progress on the egg. It is still in my friends incubator for another day or two. I am not holding out much hope. Meanwhile mom and her 2 little babies are doing really well. I had to burry the other little baby that got smushed in her shell and it was very hard. I don't think I can do the hatching thing again. Too stressfull.

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