Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

Maybe it is Dolly's silkie half that has her channeling her inner broody. 😆

The other 2 that I noticed will sit down, act broody, and shove eggs under them. They do end up leaving after a few hours though. They even squawk and peck at me if I get too close (when I am checking on Dolly during my rounds)
It probably is those broody silkie genes 🤣 you can find them between the "piles of cute fluff" genes, and the "will bite you for treats" gene.
I currently have only 2 chickens and have never hatched eggs, so totally not the one to ask 🤣
I suck at chicken math, mine is all subtraction…
I need help getting my chicken math under control, maybe I could sneak a few in your coop?

I have some wee ones that don't take up much space.

It probably is those broody silkie genes 🤣 you can find them between the "piles of cute fluff" genes, and the "will bite you for treats" gene.

I need help getting my chicken math under control, maybe I could sneak a few in your coop?

I have some wee ones that don't take up much space.

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Yours are adorable BTW

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