Broody duck - move nest or add onto it????

I was thinking of just adding one wall/ barrier so she would be blocked on 3 sides and the top. That would leave one side open for her to come and go when she needs to . With it being under the coop it would be difficult for hens/drakes to get in there and I'm assuming she'd let them know they can't have her nest :lol: . Should I close it all and just let her out once/twice a day?
Up to you but if the females lay in her nest that means you’ll have growing duckling in eggs at different stages of development and once her eggs hatch she’ll be ready to take her hatched duckling out usually at 2-3 days after hatch and she’ll leave the rest of the eggs behind.
Up to you but if the females lay in her nest that means you’ll have growing duckling in eggs at different stages of development and once her eggs hatch she’ll be ready to take her hatched duckling out usually at 2-3 days after hatch and she’ll leave the rest of the eggs behind.

That's exactly what I want to avoid . I'd like to know that they'll hatch together. I think I'm going to add one wall and then watch. I'm going to put my game cam down there to watch when I'm not around which is almost never . If I see the others then I will add a door to block it from them so she can do her thing and keep them growing together .
How many eggs is too many? She's got quite a nest down there. Shes a Rouen/ Welsh mix, pretty good size but I cant imagine she can handle all the eggs shes got
First time moms I like to keep eggs they sit on at 6. Makes it so much easier on them instead of large clutches.

Ok I'll stick with 6 and remove the rest. I can't imagine all could be fertile . I'll wait until she's off the nest and try ti grab the oldest or un-fertile. I don't know exactly how it'll go but I'll do my best. I do have an incubator but have low and problems with hatch rate. I'm going to candle them before removing permanently and compare to hatch calendar in hopes I'll be able to tell which ones would be most viable . Never had to remove questionable eggs before .

Thank you!!
Right candle any eggs you remove so you only have eggs that look at the same stage of development. But I think that is what you said you were going to do. Right?

Yes I was thinking if I candeled I could make sure they look fertile and at the same stage. She's only been laying a few days.. at least under a week... I think I only noticed her just a day before my orginal post. I just wantto make sure I don't take fertile growing ones and leave her with duds. But if she's only been laying this short time, would I be able to tell? Maybe I should wait a little bit longer to make it more noticeable?

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