Broody goose, too long. Help.(Lengthy)


5 Years
Aug 13, 2018
I have a 2 y/o American Buff goose who went broody on 5/2/22 with 6 of her own eggs. Somewhere over the course of 30 days, 3 of HER original goose eggs went completely missing without a trace and her nest accumulated about 18 duck eggs. I checked her nest the other day. Her goose eggs had died. She had about 10 duck eggs that were developing. I was going to let her hatch them, but today when I checked her, she’s got a bunch more again! I’ve got to get her off this nest, don’t I ? She’s been on it for 43 days today. What should I do?
Are the duck eggs still developing? This is when marking the eggs that she originally laid or was gifted with so the new ones can be removed before they start. Candle all the eggs. if none are developing remove them. Brooding as long as she has can cause her health to deteriorate so it's going to be a tough decision on what to do . If you have a bator you could put the developing ones in there toss the others and break up the nest then put something over it so she can't go back to it;
Are the duck eggs still developing? This is when marking the eggs that she originally laid or was gifted with so the new ones can be removed before they start. Candle all the eggs. if none are developing remove them. Brooding as long as she has can cause her health to deteriorate so it's going to be a tough decision on what to do . If you have a bator you could put the developing ones in there toss the others and break up the nest then put something over it so she can't go back to it;
I got her off the nest this morning so that I could collect all the eggs. I temporarily blocked off the only entrance to the small building, where the nest was, to prevent the goose from going back to it, as well as prevent any ducks from laying any more eggs in there( that’s where she kept getting the duck eggs). Then I candled the eggs and found that there was a total of 12 viable developing duck eggs. So I dug out an incubator and set them up in there, hopefully finally liberating my poor Theresa. I think she may have sat on that nest forever! Anyway, thanks so much for your advice!

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