Broody hen hatching chicks actinv weird! help!


6 Years
Jul 14, 2013
My hen has gone from mean (biting...puffing up...the norm for a broody hen) to absolutely calm and she is making this noise that sounss like cooing. .. its really weird. And she does this thing with her neck where she twists and benss at ths same time... its really very strange. Does anyone know whatt this is about??? Is it just a broody behavior? Thanks!
if she is hatching out chicks it sounds like they are starting to hatch or already out of their shell.
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We finally hatched out some chicks this year using a broody hen and it was cute to hear her making these noises, telling the chicks what they needed to be doing.
I looked at the eggs and there is no sign of the one hatching that I see. Any thing specific I should look for? Its my first hatch.:)
Chances are that she can hear them "peeping" in their shells and is offering them encouragement to come out into the big wide world of chickendom....

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