I have broody hen that has been sitting on 12 eggs for last 21 days and the first one hatched this morning. Hoping for more. Hurray!!!! I currently have the hen, chick, nest and eggs in a small 1.5' w x 3' L x 2' h cage in the coop. This is my frst experience w/ hatching anything so I have a few questions. 1) how long should I keep the hen w/ chicks in the cage? 2) What should I feed them? If i feed them medicated will I need to keep them separate from the rest of the flock so my layers won't eat the medicated feed? What about a heat lamp for them or will their momma keep them warm? I just don't know what do now that chicks are actually hatching. I really didn't plan on this, the hen went broody and so I just let her at it. HELP!!!