Broody hen kicked a half-open egg out of nest. Can I save the chick?


13 Years
May 17, 2011
Schuyler Lake NY
Not sure how long this poor chick was out there. It is still alive, but obviously not ready to hatch out. I tried putting it back close to mom, but she pecked at it and tried to push it away.

I don't have an incubator. Is there anything I can do to save it?
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No age, still attached to the shell. Maybe out there an hour or 2?

Poor little thing died overnight. I think it may have been injured by the hen when she kicked it out of the nest. There was more blood in the shell than what is in the photo.
Not sure how long this poor chick was out there. It is still alive, but obviously not ready to hatch out. I tried putting it back close to mom, but she pecked at it and tried to push it away.

I don't have an incubator. Is there anything I can do to save it?
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You're not going to like this advice.
Put the chick out of it's misery. If mum doesn't want to save it then it's likely she has a reason.

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