BROODY hen- needed asap!!


8 Years
Jan 30, 2011
West Virginia
i got a doz eggs today and my bator is full and id love to hatch these eggs. i am looking to buy a broody hen that is already sitting that i could bring to my home.

i need it at the latest tomorrow

THANKS! pm me please
It will probably break her broodiness to move her. Don't forget about quarantine of at least 30 days. Can you borrow an incubator instead?
im located near the casino in charles town... i think im a bit full but thanks for the offer. i posted on craigslist and found a nice production red that had been sitting for over a week. i picked her up after dark set her up a little "broody cave" (dog cage with hay lol) and she plopped right down!!

i may need you in the future though.... im always over buying lol

thanks again!!

Ps- i may still be interested in a broody prone hen for certain cases such as this.
Well as of this morning she is happily sitting on 12 eggs! Fingers crossed that she has committed! Super excited that my broody transplant worked! Ill keep everyone posted
well good. Happy hatching

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