Broody Hen, No Eggs Hatched

Farm 24 6

In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2016
Hello everyone!

This is my first time doing this so sorry if I am not very good at it. I had a hen go broody a couple weeks ago and let her sit on some eggs. I have her 6 eggs in total. I candled the eggs on day 7 and they all looked good except for 1 or 2 I was unsure about. She ended up breaking 2 of the eggs, I am guessing on accident. On day 21, 1 chick started hatching, but next time I checked on it, it looked like the hen stepped on it or something because it was cold and not moving, still halfway in the shell. By day 23 none of the remaining 3 eggs hatched so I cracked them open. 2 of them were just egg yolk, but the one was filled developed but it hadn't absorbed the yolk sac in its belly. No the hen is unsocial with the rest of the flock and doesn't like me getting near.

How come none of the eggs succefuly hatched? And why is the hen acting like the way she is?

Thanks for your help!
Was this her first time?.....Sometimes Hens are great at setting but get stressed once the eggs start hatching....She is still hormonal and will snap out of it in a few days....

Yes, this was her first time going broody. Will she ever go broody again or is she traumatized and won't want to do it again?
Yes, she will go Broody again.....Next time she will probably do a much better job.....

Thanks for your help!

How big should the nesting box be for a broody hen? I think mine is a little small which is why she may have broken a few eggs.
I have some nesting boxes specifically for broody hens.They are 2 x 2ft.Just make it big enough so the chicks have space to move around.Sometimes they break eggs because they know there rotten.If she break any eggs immediately take all the bedding out.If the yolk gets on any of the eggs it can attract a lot of bacteria.
i have an oyster shell DIY PVC pipe feeder, that I saw on BYC. I have never had a broken egg. They have fallen three feet to the ground, on top of pine needle straw. The eggs when broody hen abandoned nest, after popped & peed on in nest. I tossed them several hundred yards away from coop, when they hit the ground, they bounced 4-5 feet in the air unbroken. Remarkable!

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