Broody hen on Muscovy eggs...anyone have this situation and the eggs hatched ok? Worried about incub


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
Astoria, OR
I have 8 hens and 2 Muscovy ducks (a drake and a hen)...

The ducks live under my chicken coop at night and they all free range together in the day.

About two weeks ago my Austrolop (sp) started laying in the duck nest rather than the hen boxes.

Three days ago she would not come out... there are about 15 duck eggs. I have removed the hens eggs since I have no rooster they are not fertile. My ducks are just about one year old.

My concern is that chickens hatch in 21 days while Muscovy's take 35 days.

What if she leaves the next early can I use a heat lamp or a heating pad? I don't have an incubator.

Anyone have experience with this. Will the hen sit an extra two weeks?

My Muscovy hen just made another next (3 eggs so far) on the other side of the box (it's 4' x 4') and she gave the broody hen her old nest?
if she is determined, she will hatch them. I had a hen years ago that after a long battle, sat on 3 golf balls for SIX weeks before we gave in and got her 2 chicks to raise.
One of my broody chicken hens sat on peafowl eggs from May to October last year, so it's quite possible that she will hatch them just fine.


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