My, usually mild-tempered, 1 year old, GLW, Walter (turned out she's not a roo) has been spending an aweful lot of time in the nesting box the last three days and every morning when my husband or i go to collect the eggs there she is fluffing up her feathers and making crazy noises at us when we reach under her for the tasty morsels she's guarding. The first two days we collected the eggs and within 30 minutes or so she got off the nest but in an attempt to encourage her possible broodiness (i have guinea eggs that could use a better momma) i left the eggs in there today but she still got off after sitting in there for quite a while. The other thing is that even when she is out of the box and foraging in the yard she makes the broody noises and fluffs up when we get near her. What gives? She has never acted this way, We can usually pick her up and hold her with no problems! My husband thinks she needs chocolate