Broody hen pictures!! Please share


🐓 Silkie Queen 🐓
8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Hi all, I am obsessed with broody hens and their babies, :D so I was wondering if I could see any pictures of other people's broody hens and or babies.
Oh my gosh they are so cute! If you dont mind me asking, what kind are they so many pretty colors!
Of course! They are gorgeous!

So the mama hen is a buff orpington, she's about a year old. The two dark black splotchy chicks should be silver laced black wyndottes, the two light grayish chicks should be splash-laced wyndottes (hopefully red and blue!) and the yellow/tan chick is a jubilee orpington.
Of course! They are gorgeous!

So the mama hen is a buff orpington, she's about a year old. The two dark black splotchy chicks should be silver laced black wyndottes, the two light grayish chicks should be splash-laced wyndottes (hopefully red and blue!) and the yellow/tan chick is a jubilee orpington.
Cool! Thanks for sharing!

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