Well one of my barred rock ladies finally went broody. I honestly wasn't expecting any of them to by this point. She comes out to eat when I put out the food but goes right back into the nest box. Now that it's the beginning of October the weather is starting to cool off. It's actually fairly warm so far but is it a bad idea for her to hatch chicks this late in the year? And if so, why? I remember reading a post about hens brooding so late in the year being bad but can't remember why or what site it was on and of course can't find it now! I certainly don't mind having a few more fuzzies running around and I plan on putting a heat lamp in the coop during the winter when it starts getting a bit colder at night. Sorry, I'm a total newbie with chicks. My girls were my first experience with chicks but it was well into spring when I got them. Any advice would be great.
I don't have a roo myself but my grandparents have a pretty barnyard mix and I can trade my unfertilized eggs for some of their fertilized ones that I could put under my broody. I'm very very tempted but didn't want to if there was good reasons not to. So of course I had to come here and ask some advice!
I don't have a roo myself but my grandparents have a pretty barnyard mix and I can trade my unfertilized eggs for some of their fertilized ones that I could put under my broody. I'm very very tempted but didn't want to if there was good reasons not to. So of course I had to come here and ask some advice!