Broody Hen Thread!

My wyondotte is showing a interest in sitting on her egg today and when she moved to the back nest (alpha hen pecked her off her first nest) I put an egg in front of her and she tucked it under her. MAYBE I will finally get my broody...
Went out to count heads tonight and was missing a chick! After much searching and pulling hens out of nests, disrupting the whole group I found her under "momma's" twin in the next nest! Much chaos ensued but finally got everyone settled then twin hen climbed in on top of momma and babies. Pulled her out and put her in her own next and stuck the baby she had swiped back under her. They both settled quite contentedly. Have you ever heard of such a thing? These are 3 week old chicks even.
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Ok - this question might have already been asked, but there are over 1300 posts (whoa). I have a broody hen and I do not think she is eating or drinking. If so, I haven't witnessed this. I'm just wondering if I should try and force her to eat or just let her do her thing? She has 5 fertilized eggs under her (and a couple unfertilized).
Whitney17, don't worry, she's more than likely out when you aren't watching. They can be sneaky. I didn't think my broody was leaving the nest either until I saw the level of feed in her feeder going down.

Katatonic123, never hear of such a thing but if the mom that swiped the chicks is the twin of the broody, I can see where the chick might get confused. Evidently they do not recognize their parent by smell like other animals do. But look on the bright side, ya got a happy chick and a happy hen.
When I moved my bantam girls inside to brood they did not move off their eggs for 2 days. They were very thirsty! And hungry. After that we got them out twice a day for a break, until it was near hatching, then I spoon fed them water! In the run they would get up midday when it was hot and spend half an hour eating, drinking, and dust bathing. I know some people say broodies can be sneaky but if you are worried she won't abandon her eggs if you take her off the nest once a day for a break. Just make sure it's during a warm part of the day.
@microchickThe only difference between the two are the combs which you can't see unless they are straight on and the number of toes, one has 4 and one has 5.
Ha! @katatonic, evidently chicks can't count toes!

@JaeG I tried that with my broody. She just turned around and plopped back down on her eggs.

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