Broody Hen Thread!

Exciting, isn't it, thebulg?

My weak chick seems to be doing better this morning. Still a little unsteady on it's feet but keeping up with mom and staying tucked up under her so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Still no progress on my lone abandoned egg. I'm going to candle this morning and see if I can see any sign of an internal pip. Otherwise Aggie and her new family seem to be doing well.

I thought I had set her on 12 eggs but it turns out, it was a baker's dozen of 13. She hatched 8. 2 infertile, 1 an early quitter at around 8 or 9 days, one dead, shrinkwrapped baby and the egg I have in the 'bator. I think her getting off the nest yesterday morning, late effected the remaining eggs that were trying to hatch and I'm wondering the day about day 5 or 6 that she broke out of her broody cage didn't have an effect on the eggs also. Her first broody hatch percentage in the dead of winter was better.

Hey 16 paw. Got chicks?
:mad: I went out to do final checks on the chucks before bed. I could smell a skunk so I wanted to make sure everything was cool.

I checked on broody, and 2 of her eggs were pushed out from behind her, w/ her back facing them, still in the nest though. They were cold to the touch, so I may be down 2 more eggs! :( I tucked them back under her for now, and will check things out today.
Hang in there wannahomestead. I know it's hard to try to understand a hen's motivation but she knows things that we don't.

Aggie left 4 eggs when she left the nest. Infertile, quitters and un-pipped. Plus the dead chick, whose head was free of the shell but died from shrink wrapping. She also left one chick that was weak to care for her other chicks.

I'll keep fingers crossed for your brood.
I went out to do final checks on the chucks before bed. I could smell a skunk so I wanted to make sure everything was cool.

I checked on broody, and 2 of her eggs were pushed out from behind her, w/ her back facing them, still in the nest though. They were cold to the touch, so I may be down 2 more eggs!
I tucked them back under her for now, and will check things out today.

Good luck. Hope it goes well.
I have several Serama chicks now.

My broody is Taffy and she is a bantam frizzle cochin. Her feathers are something else.
Dont know how many she has yet because she is still sitting tight. I took a quick pix and it didnt turn out that great but here they are.....

I love using a rolled up towel for the littles to get in and out of the nest box. It seems to work better than a ramp because their little feet dont slip on it.
Taffy is saying "could you please put my curtains down I am trying to concentrate here. geesh!"
So no chicks yet, BUT...I could hear the eggs chirping when broody hen lifted for a few seconds a few minutes ago! They are still alive!!! And is that a sign of hatching? When they start chirping?
i'm now getting a bit worried. i took some straw out (it was poking her in the face and she won't move) and suddenly there were mites. we didn't have mites 3 or 4 days ago. i checked her and the nest the last time she got off because people say it's such a common problem. and i now know i wouldn't have missed the feeling of them on my hands.

we quickly changed out the bedding and did a sevin dusting (i know this is not everyone's approach), i got her water w/ sugar and apple cider vinegar and scrambled egg. her comb is almost white in a small spot in the back and on 2 of the tips. the rest is around the color of lightly flushed cheeks. the normally red area around her eyes is almost gray. she is panting profusely and her eyes keep closing and she tips her head back. she is still concerned with her eggs, still making much less aggressive noises when i get close. it is VERY hot and humid in our garage. easily in the 90s. can i put in a fan if i blow it over her or to the wall next to her? can i just put in a covered bowl of ice to emit some cold?

i have an incubator on hand and ready, and thankfully even though she is more than halfway through day 20 there were no external pips 4 hours ago. she doesn't look like she did 5 days ago, or even 2 days ago. she doesn't seem alert, she seems like she is struggling to stay awake. maybe this is totally normal, but it doesn't feel like what i would assume is normal for a hen.

edit: my instinct is to bring her inside where it's cool, but i am willing to bet everyone would advise against that.
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Congratulations 16 paws! Awesome news!

Mezzer that is definitely a good sign! They are very close to hatching indeed.

thebulg, I wish I was more knowledgeable about such things. I thing anything you can do to reduce her temp is probably a good idea right now. I have a van blowing high in my coop currently. Momma has babies and herself so they are getting a breeze off of it. It's hot here too, in the low 90s with cooler temps predicted for next week thank goodness. Some recommend sitting frozen milk jugs filled with water around to cool the air for them.Hopefully others will chime in. Any chance you could move her inside to cool off....ummmm mites. Maybe not. Maybe the fan on her to cool her off is a good idea. You could try misting her lightly also.

My final chick count is 8. I pronounced my last egg a few minutes ago. Eggtopsey showed a deceased embryo approximately 16 days old or so. It filled a little more than half the egg and the yolk was fully intact but naturally degraded. The egg was not damaged or dirty. The little one just died.

On a positive note, Little Lucky is just that. It is toddling around after mom about normal for a day old chick. I think it is still a little on the shaky side but it squealed with protest when I picked it up and seems content to snuggle with mom right now. Sleep=strength when you are that little. I have rooster booster in the water and gave them their first wet mash with finch seed today. So doggone cute to watch momma eat until her beak is crusted and then hold her head down so babies can clean it off of her.
i'm now getting a bit worried. i took some straw out (it was poking her in the face and she won't move) and suddenly there were mites. we didn't have mites 3 or 4 days ago. i checked her and the nest the last time she got off because people say it's such a common problem. and i now know i wouldn't have missed the feeling of them on my hands.

we quickly changed out the bedding and did a sevin dusting (i know this is not everyone's approach), i got her water w/ sugar and apple cider vinegar and scrambled egg. her comb is almost white in a small spot in the back and on 2 of the tips. the rest is around the color of lightly flushed cheeks. the normally red area around her eyes is almost gray. she is panting profusely and her eyes keep closing and she tips her head back. she is still concerned with her eggs, still making much less aggressive noises when i get close. it is VERY hot and humid in our garage. easily in the 90s. can i put in a fan if i blow it over her or to the wall next to her? can i just put in a covered bowl of ice to emit some cold?

i have an incubator on hand and ready, and thankfully even though she is more than halfway through day 20 there were no external pips 4 hours ago. she doesn't look like she did 5 days ago, or even 2 days ago. she doesn't seem alert, she seems like she is struggling to stay awake. maybe this is totally normal, but it doesn't feel like what i would assume is normal for a hen.

edit: my instinct is to bring her inside where it's cool, but i am willing to bet everyone would advise against that.

I am sorry to hear about your hen. She sounds like she is in distress. I would try and get her in a cooler place asap. Maybe you could syringe a little water in her beak. Maybe mist her a bit, I really dont know but I wish you and her good luck. Can you post this in the emergency section?
There are a lot of people there with good advice.
i use a small plastic dog house for broodies. The top half lifts off so i can easily get hen off nest once a day to eat,drink,poo and i check eggs. If I need to move broody I just pick up dog house and go. On day 19 they go in my living room where I can keep a close eye on progress. Once inside I don't get momma off eggs anymore. She might not come off nest for several days but newly hatched chick, once dry, will explore just outside of nest. I have food water set up, but never see chicks show interest until 36 ty 48 hours old. Water is usually first thing they go after. Generally momma comes off nest 24 hours after last chick hatched. She makes several times in and out of nest never more than six feet away over next three days. I put an old folded sheet down and use panels to pen her and chicks. I can see how good/bad a mommy she is and that peeps know about eating and drinking. Then if not below freezing they go out in predator proof pen. The family will use the doghouse as shelter and to sleep at night until old enough to roost. I change bedding out every few days as needed in doghouse.


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