Broody Hen Thread!

I have an interesting conundrum. I bought Cornish X and guinea fowl chicks. They arrived on Wednesday and I gave some to two broody hens that I had. Unfortunately one hen didn't like the babies and hurt three. I had to put them down. But the other momma has really taken to the batch. The problem is, I have them altogether in the same coop. There are 35 babies. She is doing her best to let as many as possible underneath her and I still have a lamp out there for the rest. Is this going to be an okay arrangement? I'm hoping that even though she can't sit on all of them, that she will still take them out of the brooder coop and show them the ropes in the yard in a couple of weeks.
Hi guys, I have a broody and chicks were due yesterday or today. The chicks started hatching last night I know because I heard lots of peeping and saw a head.
Here is the issue. I need to move her and them for two reasons. One she is in a box that is too high for them in a crowded coop, and I leave for vacation in the morning. How long should I wait to move them since I know some Have hatched. I don't want to do it too soon, but they are not in a good place for them, but I don't want to harm the late eggs.
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I have an interesting conundrum. I bought Cornish X and guinea fowl chicks. They arrived on Wednesday and I gave some to two broody hens that I had. Unfortunately one hen didn't like the babies and hurt three. I had to put them down. But the other momma has really taken to the batch. The problem is, I have them altogether in the same coop. There are 35 babies. She is doing her best to let as many as possible underneath her and I still have a lamp out there for the rest. Is this going to be an okay arrangement? I'm hoping that even though she can't sit on all of them, that she will still take them out of the brooder coop and show them the ropes in the yard in a couple of weeks.
probably...when she calls to the chicks, do they all come running to find out what she is offering them? Do they all follow her around? If they have a heat lamp and her in their nest area she will probably take them all on.
move them babies first and eggs, then mom. She may be so happy to get her chicks and eggs back, she won't care about where she is....If I have to move a broody with eggs and Chicks, I do it at seems to work out the best. I put some bedding in the bottom of a 5 gallon drywall bucket and pop the chicks and eggs into it....transfer them to the new should be having a hissy fit about grab her and stick her in with her chicks....Then leave them alone to let her get over it and back down to business.
move them babies first and eggs, then mom. She may be so happy to get her chicks and eggs back, she won't care about where she is....If I have to move a broody with eggs and Chicks, I do it at seems to work out the best. I put some bedding in the bottom of a 5 gallon drywall bucket and pop the chicks and eggs into it....transfer them to the new should be having a hissy fit about grab her and stick her in with her chicks....Then leave them alone to let her get over it and back down to business.
Thanks, I am just a bit worried about any eggs that might be pipped getting stuck.
Thanks, I am just a bit worried about any eggs that might be pipped getting stuck.
Well, if you have time to wait. But if you don't, I'd take my chances and let mother nature take care of it. If the chicks don't get out of the shell on their own by the time mom decides to leave the nest, they are "gonners" anyway...unless you find out and intervene before they get to chilled. I try not to get involved with the hatch....sounds hard hearted, but there is usually a reason why they can't get out or are having trouble getting out of the shell....besides an overactive mom, waffle stomping them, while she is frantically trying to defend her chicks. That's why you move them at night, in the dark, quietly and quickly. With as little fuss as possible....once moved and in the dark, she should settle down and sit tight for the remainder of the night....this will give the other eggs a good chance to get on with hatching...also the hatched chicks and hen will encourage them with trills and quietly chirping during the night. They are in almost constant communication during the hatch and through out the broody stage.
In my experience, the chicks getting stuck to shell issue is almost non-existent in broody hatched eggs. The body oils from the hen accumulate on the eggs, getting thicker the longer she sets, and at hatch there is not much moisture loss.

If you want to move the hen, they usually set for 48 hours after the first peeping, so you could just wait and move her.
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Thanks guys. I have to move her tonight. I saw one chick last night and heard lots of peeping. All was quiet at five this morning when I did chores before work.
I can't wait to see what hatched :)
probably...when she calls to the chicks, do they all come running to find out what she is offering them? Do they all follow her around? If they have a heat lamp and her in their nest area she will probably take them all on.

Yes, they all seem to be interacting quite well. I'm so proud of her, she is the best broody hen I have. I did loose one baby in the night. It wasn't under Her and it was just outside of the heat of the lamp. I'm hoping that doesn't happen too much. I'm in love with my lavender guineas and so far I've lost half for various reasons.

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