Broody Hen Thread!

my silkie has 2 babies i trew away the other eggs its day 23 and let them out today for the first time she dust bathed went searching for food then sat in anest she made in the tall grass with her babbies
Yippee...I'm so happy for her and you!

And that first dust bath after hatching...boy mum sure enjoys that one.

Have lots of fun watching mom with her hatchlings.
Lady of McCamley
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I had one like that too...that just wouldn't stop wanting to brood since a more dominant hen chased her off the nest and stole the fertile eggs from her. But she was a first time brooder and not confident to stay with the same nest thereafter.

So she sulked, and she sulked in the main coop switching different nests of infertile eggs. As I didn't want to discourage her from the idea of brooding with harsh measures I began to simply pick her up from the box whenever I was out in the yard (usually a couple of times a day). I would gently stroke her and then set her down in the main yard next to some really, really nummy treats. At first she was annoyed, but ooooh those WERE her favorite treats. I kept repeating this over the next week and I began to see her out more and more until she was looking for me and the treat bucket.

It may have just been she was just getting done brooding, but I really do believe it helped to break her brood. Anyway, it might be worth a try.

Lady of McCamley
That is a wonderful suggestion, so much nicer than locking her up in a cage in the coop. I will definitely try this. I also thought that at night I will just put her back onto the roost if she's in a nest, thinking it's unlikely she would try to move off the roost in the dark. We'll see....
How do you know how long a hen has been sitting on her eggs
And is there exact time they will come off their nest to get food and water and poo
My cochin hen is expecting 6 chicks a egg cracked and a piece of the shell fell off and the chick started piping is it going to live
My BA is stopping taking care or her little chick. My RIR is going broody again for her 2nd time this year since her last brood which was just a month ago when she quit brooding her last brood! LOL! I believe I won't ever leave this thread I do believe.
Hey, I don't know if I'm doing this right I'm a first timer on all counts!!! I have 2 buff orps sitting really well on 1/2 dozen eggs. Theyre on day 6 now. Problem is they wouldn't be moved so they've set up camp in the nest boxes of my coup, which means their nests are very shallow! I've gone out a couple of times and found an egg or 2 had rolled out! Assumed coz they were cold they would've died but no!! Candled a good few yesterday and all the ones I pulled out were really healthy viable eggs!!!
But today same thing one little egg not in the nest and stone cold!!!
I thought maybe she'd pushed it out coz it was dud but no! When I checked it it had a really good veiny tiny embryo in there! I've put it in the bator incase she wouldn't take it back cold.... Will it have died!!!??!! this is my first time and I'm a nervous parent!! Lol
any help would be so appreciated!

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