Broody Hen Thread!

not eating or drinking a lot is part of the broody "experience." She will know when to eat and drink, just have food and clean water there for her. It is almost transcendental, the way the broody hen acts. It can last 4 weeks if the eggs don't hatch, maybe longer. Let Mother Nature do her thing.
Good Luck, hope this helped.
I found my OEGB broody in a secluded nest a while back. I gave her some fertilized eggs from my flock, and she incubated them for about 10 days and then just quite. Why would she do that? Is it because this is the first time that I know of (I got her at a year old) that she has gone broody! I opened up all three eggs a couple days later and they were partially developed, all appearing to be at the same stage. Thanks!

Isn't it a wonder how God created these hens to lay eggs, become broody, and then set on their eggs, keeping them the correct temperature, while the little embryos are so intricately developing!
HELP!! My hen isn't turning her EGGS. I have a hen that has been setting on a clutch of eggs that were placed last Thursday, so 5 days ago. I've noticed that when i go to check on her each day and refill her feed and water she is in the exact same position. I decided to candle the eggs tonight. 5 eggs had great spidery veins and looked great except one thing, they all appeared to only have the spider veins and "mass" of embryo on 1/2 of the egg. So not the bottom half, rather the left or right half. I'm worried that she isn't turning them. She is 7 months old and this is her first time to brood. What should I do? Will they hatch like that or all die? I'm scared if they do hatch they will all be deformed or something....
HELP!! My hen isn't turning her EGGS. I have a hen that has been setting on a clutch of eggs that were placed last Thursday, so 5 days ago. I've noticed that when i go to check on her each day and refill her feed and water she is in the exact same position. I decided to candle the eggs tonight. 5 eggs had great spidery veins and looked great except one thing, they all appeared to only have the spider veins and "mass" of embryo on 1/2 of the egg. So not the bottom half, rather the left or right half. I'm worried that she isn't turning them. She is 7 months old and this is her first time to brood. What should I do? Will they hatch like that or all die? I'm scared if they do hatch they will all be deformed or something....
I'm sure they are fine. At day 5, you only will see spider veins on part of the egg...not the whole egg. See the candling link here:

EDITED TO ADD: you can see the profile picture and how the veins are only on part of the egg...if you turn the egg, you will see the veins move with the turn.

Also, the chalazae, the "bungy cords" that are attached to the yolk on each side of the egg act like springs to keep the yolk to the top of the egg when turned, so the yolk will always be at the top of the egg next to the warmth of the hen. Egg parts:

Hens sit for hours in the same position. They generally get up once a day to eat, drink, and leave a large poo. You can help your hen by having food and water close by, but not so that she can tip it over into the nest.

Lady of McCamley

EDITED TO SAY: 5 spidery veins out of 5 eggs...looks like she is doing a great job!
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My hen wouldn't eat either. Not sure what to say. I just put food right by her nest box to where she could just reach and eat it. I am such a worry wart and feel like the mama that I check on her every 20 minutes and I will stare her down til she eats and drinks
My hen wouldn't eat either. Not sure what to say. I just put food right by her nest box to where she could just reach and eat it. I am such a worry wart and feel like the mama that I check on her every 20 minutes and I will stare her down til she eats and drinks

Broody hens generally get up once a day to eat and drink and give one large poo. They won't starve. It is nature's way of doing things. Keep the food and water close, but not so close it can tip over into the nest. They will sometimes take quick little snatches. But remember, their job is to SIT on those eggs and incubate them. They can't get off a lot or the eggs get cold. Providential nature has done her job to allow the hen to do that. No need to worry unless the hen looks very stressed or sick...which she can look if you hover over her too much.

Lady of McCamley
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One of my hen is broody, and I don't have a rooster. She just sets in the nest box with no eggs. I take her off several times a day, and put her in the hen yard. If I stay there & watch she'll drink & maybe dust bath for a little while & go back to her nest. This has been going on for almost four weeks. She doesn't make any noise when I take her off the desk as your's does. Do you have any other ideas about how to "break" her of being broody? She's just a little hen & I'm worried about her not eating enough.

Sure she is. You just are there to see it. ;-) She knows what she is doing. My DH said (when I was obsessing over my broody's first hatch) that he just couldn't understand how chickens had survived through the ages without my help. Our little modern day velociraptors do an amazing job. I made sure there was water and food within reach and took her treats when the other girls got theirs each evening. At first she fluffed up and growled at me, but after a few days, she seemed to realize i was just bringing the usual evening treats and ate what she wanted of the treats. She had made her nest right next to the waterer, so that wasn't a problem.

I had one egg (under the broody) with the air cell on the side of the egg. It was the first to hatch, and the chick is just fine. She (I hope she) pipped and zipped just fine.

The veins are like others have said, and also they look different on different eggs.
HELP!! My hen isn't turning her EGGS. I have a hen that has been setting on a clutch of eggs that were placed last Thursday, so 5 days ago. I've noticed that when i go to check on her each day and refill her feed and water she is in the exact same position. I decided to candle the eggs tonight. 5 eggs had great spidery veins and looked great except one thing, they all appeared to only have the spider veins and "mass" of embryo on 1/2 of the egg. So not the bottom half, rather the left or right half. I'm worried that she isn't turning them. She is 7 months old and this is her first time to brood. What should I do? Will they hatch like that or all die? I'm scared if they do hatch they will all be deformed or something....

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