Broody Hen Thread!

Hi. I just had my first broody hatch out 5 chicks 3 days ago. I gave her 5 fosters 2 days ago. All are doing well. I had a partition up so the chicks couldn't wander far but the hen could get over it. This morning, I went out and found her chicks peeping and her tucked in on another nest of eggs. I removed the partition and moved her but she went back to a nest with eggs. The chicks are staying with her. I actually removed the eggs and stuck some golf balls in and she was happily sitting there with babies and balls. I did find her off of the nest, dust bathing and scratching a bit later in the day, with babies in tow but she is now back on the golf balls and babies. She growls at me, like she did when she was setting, whenever I go out regardless if she is on or off the nest. She isn't acting protective towards the other hens. Is she really wanting to go broody again? She isn't in great body condition right now. Again, this is my first time with hen hatched chicks so any advice is appreciated. Thanks. Realized I didn't post a pic. Here's a few of the babies. There are 5 JG or JG/BO cross and 5 black JG.
Is she a silkie?
I'm on my second experience with a broody hen and so far everything seems to be going ok.. But I just found out I may be away while the eggs hatch. I'm sure the mother will handle everything but I have a few questions like
1. Should I move her to her own coop or can I leave her in the main coop?
2. Right now she is on the top level of my coop (my coop is built on 3 levels) and my although my chickens can easily just hop up to the 3rd level from the second do I have to worry about the chicks wondering in the 3rd level and possible fall down a level and injury or worse kill themselves?
3. Do I need to buy chick starter feed for my chicks even though they will be raised by their mom. I let them free range as often as I can but since I may be away I don't think they will get much free range time ( they do have access to a large run however.
4. Will the other chickens possible kill the chicks, their mom is one of the lowest ranking chickens in my flock? I would like to keep her in the main coop but I don't want to come back and find dead chicks.
Hi. I just had my first broody hatch out 5 chicks 3 days ago. I gave her 5 fosters 2 days ago. All are doing well. I had a partition up so the chicks couldn't wander far but the hen could get over it. This morning, I went out and found her chicks peeping and her tucked in on another nest of eggs.

I removed the partition and moved her but she went back to a nest with eggs. The chicks are staying with her. I actually removed the eggs and stuck some golf balls in and she was happily sitting there with babies and balls. I did find her off of the nest, dust bathing and scratching a bit later in the day, with babies in tow but she is now back on the golf balls and babies.

She growls at me, like she did when she was setting, whenever I go out regardless if she is on or off the nest. She isn't acting protective towards the other hens.

Is she really wanting to go broody again? She isn't in great body condition right now.

Again, this is my first time with hen hatched chicks so any advice is appreciated.


Realized I didn't post a pic. Here's a few of the babies. There are 5 JG or JG/BO cross and 5 black JG.
If this is her first time with little ones she may just be a bit confused about what stage she is on... as long as there are still eggs in the nest (or any nest, they are easily confused) then she may still feel she needs to finish 'sitting' because they aren't all hatched yet.
Since she has 10 chicks to take care of I would remove the eggs and/or golf balls so she realizes her chicks are done hatching and it is time for her to get them off of the nest and start teaching them how to be little chickens. A new broody can be easily confused, so you may need to keep a close eye on her to make sure she is getting the little ones out to eat and drink. You may need to block off her access to regular nesting boxes being used by other hens to prevent her from crawling into them to sit on newly laid eggs. Make sure the little ones have food and water close by in case mama hen gets stubborn and doesn't want to get up... at least then they can get something to eat and drink and still stay close to mama.
Is she a silkie?
She's a BO

If this is her first time with little ones she may just be a bit confused about what stage she is on... as long as there are still eggs in the nest (or any nest, they are easily confused) then she may still feel she needs to finish 'sitting' because they aren't all hatched yet.
Since she has 10 chicks to take care of I would remove the eggs and/or golf balls so she realizes her chicks are done hatching and it is time for her to get them off of the nest and start teaching them how to be little chickens. A new broody can be easily confused, so you may need to keep a close eye on her to make sure she is getting the little ones out to eat and drink. You may need to block off her access to regular nesting boxes being used by other hens to prevent her from crawling into them to sit on newly laid eggs. Make sure the little ones have food and water close by in case mama hen gets stubborn and doesn't want to get up... at least then they can get something to eat and drink and still stay close to mama.
They are close to food and water so the babies get up on their own and with mom to eat. I will try removing any eggs/golf balls and if all else fails I guess I'll put her and the babies in a large dog crate in the coop. I just worry that she may stress if she's confined and accidentally hurt the babies.
I was wondering if anyone also adds a heat lamp to their broody box for when the chicks hatch since weather is still pretty cold. She is a first time broody and has 3 developing eggs under her, I pulled the clears this morn. She is due to hatch this sunday and weather is still pretty cold she is an unheated garage.
I was wondering if anyone also adds a heat lamp to their broody box for when the chicks hatch since weather is still pretty cold. She is a first time broody and has 3 developing eggs under her, I pulled the clears this morn. She is due to hatch this sunday and weather is still pretty cold  she is an unheated garage.

She should be fine b/c when the chicks hatch she will hanker down and allow them to rest and stay warm under her.
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Oh nooooo...... my first broody girl has started hatching her chicks but must have stepped on one.....but didn't break the membrane....more like crush it a bit. I took the egg out and will candle it tonight but what can I do if anything to help save the baby?? Or is the damage done? The membrane is still all intact

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