Broody Hen Thread!


You seem very knowledgable with hatching eggs. When I candle them, would I see anything on the first day to tell if it is fertile or not? Same with the second and third day? Thanks - Billyb

More likely on the 2 day for white or tented eggs and about day 5 for brown eggs. If they are marans then you need a high powered candler. Haha
Hello everyone, First of all I want to apologies for how stupid I am. But I need to share it. Sorry

Ok, the last time my hen was broody she stayed 40 days in her empty nest. Later she became more moody and started pecking (really hard) on our naked feet. She became nicer again and she layed eggs for another season. I decided that next time I will let her hatch some eggs..

So, she became broody again and I received from lovely people a total of 6 eggs.

Today I noticed she cought red bugs all over, they jumped over me, so hysterically but with patience. I cleaned her whole corner and nest.

Anyways, many eggs were cracked and I didn't know what to do. By the time I searched online to put some nail polishing, two were already gone, since she broke them and ate them...well, just one because the other one I removed myself. Poor little thing, I killed my own grandchickens..

Now she is left with four eggs and I hope the fixed ones can make it. I hope she recovers from such a stressing day! She had a long bath in her bath box and I think she got better from those nasty bugs.

I cleaned with boiling water the whole nest, floor and roof and keeping the eggs away I sprayed the whole thing with water based House & Garden insecticidal from Raid that does not cause harm to pets nor humans (or I'll be dead by now and so my 15 year old cat) . At one point I even sprayed my own hand since it was covered with bugs!

Ok, will clean everyday, will try to keep up with her, college and work but I wanted her to be happy, for which I did this grandma experience. I guess I should have been more expert in the matter. I even bought a book when I got her, but she had always been clean and the cats and dog are clean as well but now she seems to be weak to have cought such nasty bugs.

The eggs were covered in them, so I hope before 2 weeks when they are to hatch my sweety is clean and does not pass it on to her babies (if she doesn't keep on killing them).

Tomorrow will visit the vet for powder or something for her...

If you read as far as this, thank you. I really appreciate it.

This is my broody hen, Lemon Drop thinking my hand is a chick under her...

When I tried to get her out of the coop so she could get some exercise, she just wouldn't move and thought she was still sat on her eggs!!

Hello everyone, First of all I want to apologies for how stupid I am. But I need to share it. Sorry

Ok, the last time my hen was broody she stayed 40 days in her empty nest. Later she became more moody and started pecking (really hard) on our naked feet. She became nicer again and she layed eggs for another season. I decided that next time I will let her hatch some eggs..

So, she became broody again and I received from lovely people a total of 6 eggs.

Today I noticed she cought red bugs all over, they jumped over me, so hysterically but with patience. I cleaned her whole corner and nest.

Anyways, many eggs were cracked and I didn't know what to do. By the time I searched online to put some nail polishing, two were already gone, since she broke them and ate them...well, just one because the other one I removed myself. Poor little thing, I killed my own grandchickens..

Now she is left with four eggs and I hope the fixed ones can make it. I hope she recovers from such a stressing day! She had a long bath in her bath box and I think she got better from those nasty bugs.

I cleaned with boiling water the whole nest, floor and roof and keeping the eggs away I sprayed the whole thing with water based House & Garden insecticidal from Raid that does not cause harm to pets nor humans (or I'll be dead by now and so my 15 year old cat) . At one point I even sprayed my own hand since it was covered with bugs!

Ok, will clean everyday, will try to keep up with her, college and work but I wanted her to be happy, for which I did this grandma experience. I guess I should have been more expert in the matter. I even bought a book when I got her, but she had always been clean and the cats and dog are clean as well but now she seems to be weak to have cought such nasty bugs.

The eggs were covered in them, so I hope before 2 weeks when they are to hatch my sweety is clean and does not pass it on to her babies (if she doesn't keep on killing them).

Tomorrow will visit the vet for powder or something for her...

If you read as far as this, thank you. I really appreciate it.

Aww, bless her!! I'm sure she will be alright and so will her littler baby chicks when they hatch!

Well done for doing all you have done, I can see you really care about her! I think that's all you can do and hope that the bugs don't come back!!
Good luck for the future
Aww, bless her!! I'm sure she will be alright and so will her littler baby chicks when they hatch!
Well done for doing all you have done, I can see you really care about her! I think that's all you can do and hope that the bugs don't come back!! Good luck for the future
Thank you!!! You are a sweetheart. She seems to feel better now, and is quietly sitting on her 4 eggs left. (^__^)

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