Broody Hen Thread!

Sounds awful. Can you give us more details? Did they get out of the shells then die? Are they with other, hostile chickens? Did they just fail to thrive?
My Red Sex-link hen hatched out 7 adorable chicks! So far, she is fiercely protective, attacking anything that could possible cause harm, including a stationary broom propped up against a wall. I think I may end up abandoning my incubator! My hen makes a much better chicken momma than me!
Hi again! Question of the day: My hen seems to be done mothering her 4 1/2 week chicks. She's in the coop and they're in their little coop.

What now? Do I still let the chicks run around like they have been? My concern is that they'll just wander away and get lost since mom isn't watching them. Will they be ok?

Hi again! Question of the day: My hen seems to be done mothering her 4 1/2 week chicks. She's in the coop and they're in their little coop.

What now? Do I still let the chicks run around like they have been? My concern is that they'll just wander away and get lost since mom isn't watching them. Will they be ok?

Have they been free ranging with her and the rest of the flock?
Where is their little coop in relation to the main coop?
Help! I ordered eggs and 1 had broke during shipment. However another one has a bit of yolk and wood shavings on it. Is it safe to put in incubator? I'm afraid to clean it. I have a broody hen and only want to give her 1-2 eggs and put others in in curator. She's not top hen so they are always laying on her.
Any advice on the egg with stuff on it is my concern
[/IMG]thank you in advance !! I have to have these eggs in incubator and 2 under hen in the next hour.
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My condolences, we had the same thing happen with our first broody. We actually had two bullsnakes attack her nest within  week or so and she lost 4 or 5 eggs and even got struck in the head and lost some feathers defending her nest. We caught both of them in the act and moved them far away. She only had two eggs hatch from the eleven that she started with. 

This time around, we put the broody hens in a raised coop and haven't had any issues with snakes. We are fending off the skunks right now. Thy will eat any eggs they can find and actually kill the broody if she won't get off the nest. Don't ask me how I know this. :-(
Our coop is raised. I'm guessing it climbed up the ramp.
Excited to say I candled my hen's eggs and the are wiggling around. I was able to make out a foot on one of them. 1 week left.
Yes, aart, they're been free ranging with the entire flock. Their little coop is right in the main run.
They should be fine..... we have had similar ages running without adult supervision without problems. Keep watch the first few days to make sure they are tucked in safe each evening. I have also had hens ditch the chicks for roosting at night but still hang out with them during the day for another week or so. Sometimes the chicks don't catch on to her 'follow me' command and they return to their broody nest, not realizing it's time to graduate to a big bird roost. you will have to watch and see how it goes.

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