Broody Hen Thread!

I should do that... We have a Cochin roo, just need to get an orp, then breed it to a silkie. Then cross breed randomly back to Cochin, orp and silkie... Like, have some orp x Cochin x silkie crosses under a silkie Roos, other under a Cochin roo, then breed back those crosses to an orp. Anyone who goes broody gets every single egg hatched... Lol.... I could sell them...

'Have incubators for sale'

'Actually, better then incubators. Gurrantee to go broody every 3 days after raising a clutch, and might lay a couple eggs. Might attack. Bites.' :lol:

I was actually searching Craigslist for a broody, didn't even have to be a broody type breed - although preferable. I would need a clean leg though. It is very wet out here. I can't imagine how nasty a silkie's or a cochin's feet & legs would be. Had to put my buff orp down due to internal laying. I couldn't get another one unless I knew for sure there were strong bloodlines. Turns out one of the Marans I bought as a chick in late January turned out broody. I feel like one of the luckiest gal in the world. No more bators unless its for back up purposes.
I should do that... We have a Cochin roo, just need to get an orp, then breed it to a silkie. Then cross breed randomly back to Cochin, orp and silkie... Like, have some orp x Cochin x silkie crosses under a silkie Roos, other under a Cochin roo, then breed back those crosses to an orp. Anyone who goes broody gets every single egg hatched... Lol.... I could sell them...

'Have incubators for sale'

'Actually, better then incubators. Gurrantee to go broody every 3 days after raising a clutch, and might lay a couple eggs. Might attack. Bites.' :lol:

Haha yeah!

Yay, my broodies are done hatching! 2/3 for hen above & 11/15 for these 2 hens. 13 live healthy chicks! Yippee!!!
Congrats on the hatch. they are so cute. What are you using for those neat nesting boxes?
I hope this is the right place to post this. My EE Zelda decided to go broody again but I would like to be done for the summer as far as chicks go. I moved Zelda to a cage in the coop with food and water but no nesting material yesterday. Boy is she mad, you wouldn't believe the fuss. I've read it takes 24-48 hours to break a broody, anyone have any experience with this? Am I supposed to take her out of the cage tonight and see if she goes up to roost (and I assume if she heads for the nest, she goes back into the cage)? Or, should I wait until tomorrow to try. Any information you might have is appreciated.
I was actually searching Craigslist for a broody, didn't even have to be a broody type breed - although preferable. I would need a clean leg though. It is very wet out here. I can't imagine how nasty a silkie's or a cochin's feet & legs would be. Had to put my buff orp down due to internal laying. I couldn't get another one unless I knew for sure there were strong bloodlines. Turns out one of the Marans I bought as a chick in late January turned out broody. I feel like one of the luckiest gal in the world. No more bators unless its for back up purposes.

Hi, A few years back I had a flock of Marans.....Davis lines...............They were the broodiest hens I have ever owned.........
and wonderful mothers........sometimes I would have three hens nesting together and then co- raising their chicks.........
I hope this is the right place to post this. My EE Zelda decided to go broody again but I would like to be done for the summer as far as chicks go. I moved Zelda to a cage in the coop with food and water but no nesting material yesterday. Boy is she mad, you wouldn't believe the fuss. I've read it takes 24-48 hours to break a broody, anyone have any experience with this? Am I supposed to take her out of the cage tonight and see if she goes up to roost (and I assume if she heads for the nest, she goes back into the cage)? Or, should I wait until tomorrow to try. Any information you might have is appreciated.
Wish I had the answer for you.............My broody just would not quit......kept stealing eggs and hiding them........LOL
But my guess would be leave her the extra time as long as she is eating and drinking. good luck
Hello All! I have 2 broodies sitting on 1 nest. These girls have been attached at the hip their entire broodiness. I gave them 2 clutches of eggs, but they scooted them together into 1 pile. Someone recently warned me about a danger to the chicks having two mamas. Is this true? Should I separate them with hardware cloth? This is my first broody hatch. The chicks are due Wednesday night! I am so excited!
Hello All! I have 2 broodies sitting on 1 nest. These girls have been attached at the hip their entire broodiness. I gave them 2 clutches of eggs, but they scooted them together into 1 pile. Someone recently warned me about a danger to the chicks having two mamas. Is this true? Should I separate them with hardware cloth? This is my first broody hatch. The chicks are due Wednesday night! I am so excited!
Yes,you will want to separate the hens somehow because if not when the chicks hatch the momma hens will fight over them and it can get pretty ugly so for the better of the hens and chicks I would separate the nests of them for best results and congrats on the broodies.
Hello everyone. Is this still a live thread? Questions about broody hen:

I obtained four full grown Buff Orpingtons from a neighbor with a rooster approximately 8 weeks ago. Six days ago, my best layer went broody. Since I want chicks I asked the neighbor if he could swap me a few fertile eggs for what I assume are no longer fertile eggs (since it's been eight weeks since she was last around the rooster). He hasn't come through, but she's been sitting dutifully on her eggs.

Could the eggs possibly still be fertile?

Will it be a problem if she just sits the cycle out on these eggs and I throw them away after 21 days (approximately) since I don't want to break her. (And since I'd like to see if these might be fertile).

If he does have some eggs today or tomorrow, should I just swap them out and will she sit on them long enough for them to hatch,--since almost a week has gone by in her cycle already?

Thanks, Janice

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