Broody Hen?

Of course i just went out to check on her and she was back on the nest:barnie. I will be blocking the nests later. I just wish the other girls would be consistent with laying early and getting it over with. Instead, I've got some who sometimes don't lay until late in the afternoon. If I don't get 5 eggs early, I've got to wait until after 5 PM to be sure they are done. Silly girls. Don't they know they are suppose to all lay their eggs by 10 AM?:idunno
I thought I was the only one who had hens that lay all day long. I thought they layed first thing in the morning and were then done.
I thought I was the only one who had hens that lay all day long. I thought they layed first thing in the morning and were then done.
Oh yeah, I read on another web site that they lay by 10 AM . It was stated as though it was a hard and fast rule. I've got one that will lay as late as 5 PM. They seem to just mosey into the hen house any old time of day. Finding eggs from all of them before noon is the exception, not the rule around here. Especially, it seems, when one is broody.:sick
I thought they layed first thing in the morning and were then done.
A new egg could be laid approximately every 25-26 hours, so an hour or so later every day until one is laid late in the day and another ova might not be released until the following day, so a day off. BUT..very hen is different and only time will tell what a particular hen/pullets schedule might be. Not every hen/pullet lays every day..some only lay a few a week.
My update: The broody stayed out all day, a few times Saw her near the coop but she turned and went off with the others.
Then at bed time I watched them go in, she went in first and... Straight to the nest, so I went in quick and put her on the roost, she stayed there while the others went in, as I locked up she was still there, I'll see where she is in the morning.

As for laying at certain times, mine used to lay roughly the same time last year but this year the times have gone all over the place, some early in the morning some in the afternoon and some missing a day.
My further update:
This morning opened the coop and she was still on the roost, they were extra hungry for some reason this morning, they all seemed ravenous on the feed.
Any the broody went of in the garden, she did return at one point and go in the coop, she looked at the nests but did a u-turn and came out.
Later a laying hen went in and not long after she followed, went in the nest but came out again almost straight away, I probably still need to keep an eye on her.
I'll see what the rest of the day brings lol.
My further update:
This morning opened the coop and she was still on the roost, they were extra hungry for some reason this morning, they all seemed ravenous on the feed.
Any the broody went of in the garden, she did return at one point and go in the coop, she looked at the nests but did a u-turn and came out.
Later a laying hen went in and not long after she followed, went in the nest but came out again almost straight away, I probably still need to keep an eye on her.
I'll see what the rest of the day brings lol.
You seem to be having better luck than I'm having. Betty stayed out for a bit more than an hr, but as soon as another hen laid an egg, she was back on the nest. I kept the nests blocked off last night and will block them again as soon I "think" the others are finished laying. Meanwhile, Betty is back in lockdown.
Oh Heck Su! I have another that is still laying but showing signs of going broody, I had to move her off yesterday as she was sat on her egg too long for my liking.
Same girl at it again today, I saw her go on the nest so watched the time, again too long, so when I went in and lifted her up there was her egg, so out she went and I locked the coop.
I also noticed her under belly feathers plucked out, another sign of going broody.
Oh Heck Su! I have another that is still laying but showing signs of going broody, I had to move her off yesterday as she was sat on her egg too long for my liking.
Same girl at it again today, I saw her go on the nest so watched the time, again too long, so when I went in and lifted her up there was her egg, so out she went and I locked the coop.
I also noticed her under belly feathers plucked out, another sign of going broody.
Oh no! Maybe this one wont be as persistent as the other one. I had another one who was BFF's with Betty who went broody with her last year but she gave it up on her own after just a few days. I think she liked to eat better than she liked sitting on an empty nest. Unfortunately, I lost her to an opossum this past winter. I'm now keeping my eye on my lavender orpington. The orpington breeds tend to be more broody than some of the others. Fingers crossed that we don't both wind up with 2 broody hens:fl.
Oh yeah, I read on another web site that they lay by 10 AM . It was stated as though it was a hard and fast rule. I've got one that will lay as late as 5 PM. They seem to just mosey into the hen house any old time of day. Finding eggs from all of them before noon is the exception, not the rule around here. Especially, it seems, when one is broody.:sick

It's the same with my hens. I have one that consistently lays AFTER 2 p.m. So it's been difficult to close the coop for the afternoon to keep the broody one out. She is now in the dog crate and I hate it! Hope it doesn't take long for her to snap out of it.
It's the same with my hens. I have one that consistently lays AFTER 2 p.m. So it's been difficult to close the coop for the afternoon to keep the broody one out. She is now in the dog crate and I hate it! Hope it doesn't take long for her to snap out of it.
I think I broke my BO! She's been off the nest all afternoon. This was day 4, so maybe it wont take too long for your girl. BTW, I never did suspend the dog crate I had her in. It's such an old and dilapidated crate that I'm not sure it would have been safe. Besides, it wasn't like she was trying to nest in there. She spent all her time pacing, climbing onto her water dish, loudly complaining, and trying to find a way out of the crate. :rant Good luck with your girl. Once her hormones settle back down, all will be forgiven.

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