Broody Hen?

I think I broke my BO! She's been off the nest all afternoon. This was day 4, so maybe it wont take too long for your girl. BTW, I never did suspend the dog crate I had her in. It's such an old and dilapidated crate that I'm not sure it would have been safe. Besides, it wasn't like she was trying to nest in there. She spent all her time pacing, climbing onto her water dish, loudly complaining, and trying to find a way out of the crate. :rant Good luck with your girl. Once her hormones settle back down, all will be forgiven.

I didn't suspend my dog crate for the same reasons and Babz is doing those same things! LOL Thanks for the encouragement. She's my favorite hen, but I'm not her favorite person at the moment! :hit
I didn't suspend my dog crate for the same reasons and Babz is doing those same things! LOL Thanks for the encouragement. She's my favorite hen, but I'm not her favorite person at the moment! :hit
Betty is definitely finished. She stayed off the nest the rest of the day yesterday and last night. Didn't even have to block the nests. And, she back to her od sweet self, letting me pet her and following me around, talking softly. No more stink eye.:yaYou'll get there! Keep us posted.:pop
No need to 'suspend' it......just put it up on blocks.
I use a couple 4x4's.
Great news Su, Mine is Ok now too, there was one point she went in the coop, I watched her, she looked at the nest and I thought 'Oh no' but she did a u-turn and came back out.

I do have one that as I said showing signs but as yet she hasn't gone on the nest for hours but I'm watching her lol.
Great news Su, Mine is Ok now too, there was one point she went in the coop, I watched her, she looked at the nest and I thought 'Oh no' but she did a u-turn and came back out.

I do have one that as I said showing signs but as yet she hasn't gone on the nest for hours but I'm watching her lol.
My luck is also holding out Col. My little lavender girl is not showing any unusual interest in nesting either. One broody hen in a flock is more than enough for me:D.
Hi Su, Now we have to wait for them laying again.
The one that is showing signs of going broody didn't lay yesterday or today, so now I'm getting worried I may have another one, grrr!
Hi Su, Now we have to wait for them laying again.
The one that is showing signs of going broody didn't lay yesterday or today, so now I'm getting worried I may have another one, grrr!
I'm with you on that Col. I've only been getting 4 eggs a day from my 6 hens since Betty first went broody. Of course I shouldn't complain. When I was getting 6 for 6 eggs I could barely keep up with all the eggs! I was giving them away to my brothers and my neighbors, cooking them for my dogs and even feeding them back to the hens:th. I'm going to have to learn how to pickle eggs when the new girls start laying. How many hens do you have in your flock?
Glad I found this thread. On of my bantam EEs stayed on the nest all day. I was running errands today and the three times I went back home, she was on the nest. One of the others had laid her egg just outside the nest box, I'm thinking Jade wouldn't let her in. That particular pullet rarely lays in the other nest box. I only have 4 bantams.
The last time I went out and found her still in there, I gingerly reached in and she squawked sounds that I've never heard before. She let me pick her up and didn't bite. I grabbed the 2 eggs under her, checked her over quickly to see if she was sick, and set her back down. She squawked again but left the nest. I'll see what happens tonight and tomorrow.
Glad I found this thread. On of my bantam EEs stayed on the nest all day. I was running errands today and the three times I went back home, she was on the nest. One of the others had laid her egg just outside the nest box, I'm thinking Jade wouldn't let her in. That particular pullet rarely lays in the other nest box. I only have 4 bantams.
The last time I went out and found her still in there, I gingerly reached in and she squawked sounds that I've never heard before. She let me pick her up and didn't bite. I grabbed the 2 eggs under her, checked her over quickly to see if she was sick, and set her back down. She squawked again but left the nest. I'll see what happens tonight and tomorrow.
Sounds like she's broody. Mine growls at me and any hens who venture into the coop when she's broody. She pecks at me when I pick her up, but she's never given me a serious bite. Let us know what you observe tomorrow.
BTW, your avatar is adorable! Is that one of your hens?
Sounds like she's broody. Mine growls at me and any hens who venture into the coop when she's broody. She pecks at me when I pick her up, but she's never given me a serious bite. Let us know what you observe tomorrow.
BTW, your avatar is adorable! Is that one of your hens?

That was my bantam Polish, Amber. She died around 18 weeks old when they were spooked in the run. She was under the coop and flew up hitting her head on it. I don't think she could see it through her feathers, or just the frenzy of being scared. I had clipped them so she could see straight and to the sides. It was very sad, she was so friendly and sweet.

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