Broody Hen?

Yes here in the UK, I can get a small bag of that Hydrated Lime, but she didn't freeze it remember, she put in a normal room or a cold room.

I also looked at making Egg Mayonnaise, I like that and never thought of it before.
Yes I have plenty of room in my basement:) When you say Egg Mayonnaise, are you referring to mayonnaise made with just eggs and oil and maybe a touch of lemon juice or vinegar?
Yes, I have never made my own, I normally buy it ready done so I'm going to give it a try.
I have made it before. It's not difficult, just time consuming. A proper recipe will call for using the whole egg, not just the egg white. Hope you have a stand mixer b/c the key is adding the oil very, very slowly. Holding a hand mixer while adding the oil can get tiring. The results though are wonderful.
This morning Jade was back in the nest box. I took her out, she was not happy, lol. I don't have a crate yet so I blocked off that one nest box. I also let them all out in the yard for some distraction till it started raining. So far, so good. She hasn't gone into the upper nest box...yet. And tonight she was on the roost. Got my fingers crossed and a crate on the way.
Damn! A good few months ago I got a broody, I managed to break her. luckily then the other hens had laid early so I locked her out of the coop, it took a few weeks but she stopped.
Anyway lo and behold she has started again, what is puzzling me is she is still laying, I was under the impression they stopped when going broody.
I recently had another that was broody and I broke her by putting her in a dog crate, well yesterday I had 3 eggs which I thought was from the others and not her as she has only recently stopped.
So now with this new broody I locked the coop, I noticed her sitting a lot in different places, course I never suspected she was trying to lay as I thought I had all the eggs including her's.
Later I spotted an egg in a cupboard next to the coop, it was her's, I knew by the colour, I felt bad because I had locked the coop.

Tonight as she went in the coop she went straight to the nest, I moved her twice to the roost but she was adamant and tried to go in again as soon as I turned my back, so I took the nest box out till morning, last time I looked she was on the roost.
Damn! A good few months ago I got a broody, I managed to break her. luckily then the other hens had laid early so I locked her out of the coop, it took a few weeks but she stopped.
Anyway lo and behold she has started again, what is puzzling me is she is still laying, I was under the impression they stopped when going broody.
I recently had another that was broody and I broke her by putting her in a dog crate, well yesterday I had 3 eggs which I thought was from the others and not her as she has only recently stopped.
So now with this new broody I locked the coop, I noticed her sitting a lot in different places, course I never suspected she was trying to lay as I thought I had all the eggs including her's.
Later I spotted an egg in a cupboard next to the coop, it was her's, I knew by the colour, I felt bad because I had locked the coop.

Tonight as she went in the coop she went straight to the nest, I moved her twice to the roost but she was adamant and tried to go in again as soon as I turned my back, so I took the nest box out till morning, last time I looked she was on the roost.
That is really wild! She is one determined hen! It's also been my understanding that they quit laying while broody and don't start laying again for at least a week. My hen, who recently quit being broody, keeps going in and out of the hen house, looking at the nest and talking to herself. It's like she wants to lay an egg, but her body keeps telling her "not yet". But, you know they don't always conform to what's considered the norm. You hear all kinds of stories of them doing weird and wonderful things.

My girls quit laying this winter when we had an ice storm and some large limbs fell on their run and in their yard. That was also when I lost a hen to a predator. They didn't lay for almost 2 wks. But, when my brother raised the roof and built an addition onto their coop, they went right in and layed, ignoring all the construction going on.
This morning I opened up and all 4 of them were on the roost, course I had removed the nest box last night but I thought maybe the new broody might be in the corner or something but she wasn't.
after they all came out they went straight to the feed like normal, but not long after the broody was in there on the nest.
As I said she was laying yesterday so I don't want to put her in the crate yet plus the others haven't laid yet so I can't lock the coop, so at the moment I'm a bit betwixt.
This morning I opened up and all 4 of them were on the roost, course I had removed the nest box last night but I thought maybe the new broody might be in the corner or something but she wasn't.
after they all came out they went straight to the feed like normal, but not long after the broody was in there on the nest.
As I said she was laying yesterday so I don't want to put her in the crate yet plus the others haven't laid yet so I can't lock the coop, so at the moment I'm a bit betwixt.
It does seems strange that she is still laying. But maybe it's not so unusual. I can certainly see why your betwixt. Whatever is going on, I hope things get back to normal for you and your girl soon.

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