broody lost her eggs to a snake. what now?


5 Years
Jul 21, 2014
One of my girls has been setting on a clutch since July 5th. Last night, a black snake got in the broody coop and ate all 9 of them (weird-in 5 years, I never had a snake problem!). She went back into the layer's coop and began setting on a new clutch. I am concerned that she will not last long enough to hatch a new batch out because she had already been setting so long.

I thought about trying to find some day-old chicks somewhere and try to let her adopt them. I also thought about letting her have another go, while giving her some extra TLC (special food scraps, etc.). I doubt I could break her broodiness because she is one determined girl!

Any advice?
If she's been broody a couple weeks, I'd put chicks under her. If you do so, put some eggs under her for a day or two first so she thinks they hatched.
It's always possible to break a broody suspended in a wire bottom cage.

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