Like another poster here, I am worried about one of my hens.
She started laying in January and has been averaging six eggs a week.
A couple days ago, she was in the nest box all day, and I found her setting on an egg, keeping it warm. I took the egg away and shooed her out, figuring she wanted to brood.
The past few days, since then, she mostly stays in the box, acting broody but with no eggs. She has stopped laying. I've palpated her, and I don't feel any eggs, so I don't think she's eggbound. Or should I lube up and check in her vent, just to be sure?
She comes out for a little while, to eat and drink, during the middle of the day, then retreats to the box again. She also did this after I palpated her again today. She fills up her crop while she's out, and seems fairly active when she is, but then she retreats and just turns into a dollup of chicken in the box.
Does this sound like paracites? She has always been a great forager for bugs and grubs.
She started laying in January and has been averaging six eggs a week.
A couple days ago, she was in the nest box all day, and I found her setting on an egg, keeping it warm. I took the egg away and shooed her out, figuring she wanted to brood.
The past few days, since then, she mostly stays in the box, acting broody but with no eggs. She has stopped laying. I've palpated her, and I don't feel any eggs, so I don't think she's eggbound. Or should I lube up and check in her vent, just to be sure?
She comes out for a little while, to eat and drink, during the middle of the day, then retreats to the box again. She also did this after I palpated her again today. She fills up her crop while she's out, and seems fairly active when she is, but then she retreats and just turns into a dollup of chicken in the box.
Does this sound like paracites? She has always been a great forager for bugs and grubs.