Broody? Panting? HELP PLEASE!


Jul 16, 2016
Orange County CA
I cannot tell if Magdalena is being broody? She has started beak breathing, but I assumed it was the heat here in Cali. Today, she came out & ate and then went right back to her box. If you move her, she finds another one. She seems to be eating.

Trying to add tid-bits as I think of them: She was also very interested in some solid coconut oil we fed her earlier.
Our current water does have some ACV in it. I am just not sure eating/drinking is an issue. I think she is fine there.
ohh..and she has not laid an egg today.
Update: she just laid an egg, but it's late in the day for her. She is still beak breathing.

I took a quick video here;

Any thoughts or advice? We are still pretty new as this is out first flock. :/

Thank you in advance.
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It looks like she is broody but also very overheated. Can you bring her somewhere air conditioned, or find some way to cool her off quickly? Also, I have read that ACV in water can limit the absorption of some nutrients that are needed on hot days, so I would recommend supplying a supplementary source of water without ACV.
Good luck and keep us posted!
(P.S. If she is broody she may start removing chest feathers so don't be alarmed.)
And I'd also recommend staying away from corn. Corn raises their body can look into ventilation or an outdoor fan. Maybe wet the dirt outside in the morning to help it keep cool during the day so she can cool off near the feeders.
How early in the day did she start panting?
I just though of this- She may have had such an interest in the oil because it would have been cool, so she may have been hot and looking for something to cool her off.
If it is really hot can freeze gallon milk ones and place them in the coop for them to lean against and cool off.
Was she breathing like that before she laid the egg? and or after?
Good idea!

don't fill them all the way up with water...gotta leave some room for them to freeze
I cannot tell if Magdalena is being broody? She has started beak breathing, but I assumed it was the heat here in Cali. Today, she came out & ate and then went right back to her box. If you move her, she finds another one. She seems to be eating.

Trying to add tid-bits as I think of them: She was also very interested in some solid coconut oil we fed her earlier.
Our current water does have some ACV in it. I am just not sure eating/drinking is an issue. I think she is fine there.
ohh..and she has not laid an egg today.
Update: she just laid an egg, but it's late in the day for her. She is still beak breathing.

I took a quick video here;

Any thoughts or advice? We are still pretty new as this is out first flock. :/

Thank you in advance.
Love the screenname.

How hot is it there?
How hot in the coop?
Are you sure she broody.....does she stay on nest all night?

They need lots of cool water and some deep shade to help beat the heat.
Looks like the sun is beating on that nest box....anyway to shade it?

Agrees to stop with the ACV...if anything a dose of electrolytes might be in order.

Lots of ways to help in hot weather:
advanced search>titles only>hot weather

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