Broody Sussex Question


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Greenville, SC
Our Speckled Sussex went broody about a week ago, I, unfortunately did not put her in a broody cage (dog cage) until 2 days ago. I worry about everything and was wondering if she will get enough exercise if she has to be in the cage for longer than a week?
Our Speckled Sussex went broody about a week ago, I, unfortunately did not put her in a broody cage (dog cage) until 2 days ago. I worry about everything and was wondering if she will get enough exercise if she has to be in the cage for longer than a week?
When I break a broody I usually let them out daily about an hour before roost time.
If she goes back to the nest, she goes back in the crate....
...if she does chickeny things then goes to roost with the flock you're done with breaking.
Thanks for your replies. I let her out yesterday, early evening and she ran straight for the dust bath. She fussed and squawked when Prinny went in the dust bath with her but then she was fine. This morning however, she was back in the nest box and tried to peck my sister when she went to check for back in the broody cage she went! At least this time she didn't puff up her feathers till she looked like a velociraptor!
Thanks for your replies. I let her out yesterday, early evening and she ran straight for the dust bath. She fussed and squawked when Prinny went in the dust bath with her but then she was fine. This morning however, she was back in the nest box and tried to peck my sister when she went to check for back in the broody cage she went! At least this time she didn't puff up her feathers till she looked like a velociraptor!
If that happens more than twice, I'd leave her in the breaker crate for at least 48 hours straight.

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