
Some broodies will break themselves if they sit long enough -- but they lose weight and their health deteriorates.

Other broodies will sit until they die.

Here is a useful article for you:

And this is my Outdoor Broody Breaker:
Thanks a ton, I didn’t think much of her health because she comes out multiple times a day to eat and drink but if it is something I should worry about then I will😊Im going to check the weather and if the nights are mild enough then maybe I’ll separate her but keep her outside
my garage was damaged by a recent tornado and she has nowhere to go

Oh my! I hope that no one was hurt and that you didn't lose anything irreplaceable.

Thanks a ton, I didn’t think much of her health because she comes out multiple times a day to eat and drink but if it is something I should worry about then I will😊Im going to check the weather and if the nights are mild enough then maybe I’ll separate her but keep her outside

My dog-crate broody-breaker is not a predator-proof build, but you can add more solidity to the sides if you need more weather protection and it's perfectly fine used inside a predator-proof run.
Okay so what if I were to tell you that separating her isn’t an option? Should I just have my mom go out frequently during the day to collect eggs so she doesn’t have any to sit on?
You don't have to separate her, just get her elevated so she can't keep her underside warm. You can put the cage up on bricks inside the coop.
Trying any other method will just prolong the problem.
She won't lay eggs while being broody and not for a couple weeks after being broken.
A dedicated broody hen will sit whether there are eggs or not.
A friend of mine had a broody turkey hen and chose not to break the broodiness. She sat till she could no longer function. $2,000 of vet bills and over 2 months of physical therapy later, the hen still died.
You don't have to separate her, just get her elevated so she can't keep her underside warm. You can put the cage up on bricks inside the coop.
Yep, like this:

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