Brower top hatch TH110, have one?


11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Staten Island NY
Having planned on hatching some peeps shortly......I had picked up a second hand Brower top hatch some time back. After receiving it and doing my homework, I read stabilizing the temps could be a problem. It isn't made of styrofoam, it is made entirely of plastic. Nice and sturdy I might add. But it doesn't have any insulation to it.....
I saw a "blanket" that fits around it's diameter to retain the heat better being sold. So I measured it out....whipped one up myself....placed it on.....and it now holds a steady temp SO much better. As well or even a bit better than my 2 styrofoam hova-bators do. I really like it's design a lot. Entire top is clear plastic, fan moves the air right along and will be super easy to clean.
Mine I has no automatic turner installed. But the base swivels left & you can manually roll the eggs. I am hoping the end result is good..... as I am liking it more & more. Anyone else use this model with success?

You can buy a blanket or make one for it. Seensome on BYC here for sale. Also saw that some folks made a bubble wrap cover for it around the round side, not the topic. Now don't forget you need eggs
.....Let me know if we can help you with some. Our list is here:
Here's a list of our eggs: Our web site doesn't have all photos listed, I'm working on that gradually - 2 people on a 20 acre farm, means little time!!! we also have fbook under the name The Garry farm

I also would suggest putting in plastic eggs to fill any gaps and you could gently rock the inc without having to put hands on all the time.

Have a blessed day and pm me if you are ready for eggs!!! Nancy
I don't have one, yet. I've been watching and searching threads about them for awhile though. Pascopol posted recently about using a ReptiTemp device that helped the Top Hatch keep a more stable temperature. If you find that the blanket isn't enough to keep the temperature stable, that might be worth looking in to. I'll find the link and post it.

Here it is.
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I have been thinking about building a large Styrofoam box to place over my Brower TopHatch. Even with the ReptiTemp device the temp still goes down to 97 at night sometimes. My house temp is always around 68-70 degrees so I do not understand while the temp inside the Brower fluctuates so much. I have spoken to a Brower Rep and he is going to send me a whole new controller for the incubator at no cost. I hope this helps to keep the temperature stabilized. My Brower, the temp will go up to 103 and then back down to 97 for no reason. Good luck with your new Incubator, hope it is better at maintaining the correct temperature than mine is!!!
My stryofoams swing wildly too,,,, You know a large Stryofoam box might help them too! Great idea. The biggest question is how long the temps stay at the spiked 103! Ahh the hatching challenges!
I have a Brower that I use only for hatching (last 4 days). I really like it for that. I broke it last fall and just now sent to back to see if they can fix it. When they get it in the mail they may think I am a real nut job, but I broke the light post off, and without it fixed I can't use it. The man I talked with was very nice and he said they would just have to look at it. I have trouble with the temps in mine to, but for hatching it really isn't a problem. I also made an insulated blanket for mine, and it works great. I need a temp probe for better temps. I think I may get that Reptitemp device.
Good News!!!

After getting tired of my TopHatch not working correctly I sent it back to Brower. Brower completely redid the whole incubator. All new everything except the tub and cover. When I got it back it is better than new. The TopHatch now maintains 99.5 and it does not matter what the temp is in the room. The man I spoke with at Brower said they replace the whole control unit with a new one. Have 40 eggs in it now that will hatch in 2 weeks. Will update later about the hatch.

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