Bruised duckling Foot


Mar 6, 2018

One of my baby ducklings has a bruise in between two of his toes on the webbing of his foot. It is also swollen. He can walk on it for a minute but then struggles. How do I help him? I’m not sure what to do in this situation!
Hello! :welcome
Can you post a pic? you could try soaking it's feet in Epsom salt water and see if that helps it to feel better. Just don't allow it to drink the water because it is a laxative.
Do you know how it got the bruise?
I’m not sure. I have them all together in a pen with there food and water! I checked on them when I came home from work and saw it


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Poor duckling! Definitely try epsom soak, make sure she doesn't have any open scrapes or cuts on top and and bottom of foot so you can keep it from getting infectrd
Oh my goodness. . that is really bruised isn't it. Poor little duckie. It must have gotten caught on something :hmm
Poor duckling! Definitely try epsom soak, make sure she doesn't have any open scrapes or cuts on top and and bottom of foot so you can keep it from getting infectrd
Thank you!! I will be trying this today! I checked on him this morning, the swelling has gone down quite a bit and he is walking on it alot more now as well, but I am still keeping an eye on him because of the bruising.

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