Brumbies Of Silver Falls- A Role Play Always Accepting! *RESTART*

The scent of frightened muddy mare was nearly as easy for Zachorzi to detect as his own musky sweaty stallion scent. Lifting his head, he whinnied, calling for Sapphire, Angel and possibly, that strange mare.
Angel whinnied again, listening to the other replies. She looked to her sleeping foal and was tempted to wake Myra
Moon nickered to her. " Come on!"
Crystal neared Moon, dipping her head.

(Starr's turn, right?)

Just when she was about to turn away, the mare pricked her ears and listened. She nickered softly to herself and began to limp over in the direction of his voice. Once she could sense him a little better, she whinnied again.
(see below)

Angel whinnied again, listening to the other replies. She looked to her sleeping foal and was tempted to wake Myra
Zachorzi heard both Angel and the stranger. He glanced one way then the other. Tossing his head, he whinnied his loudest, attempting to draw his herd back to him.
Crystal neared Moon, dipping her head.

(Starr's turn, right?)

(see below)

Zachorzi heard both Angel and the stranger. He glanced one way then the other. Tossing his head, he whinnied his loudest, attempting to draw his herd back to him.
Flicka smiled at them

Angel sighed and dipped her head to nudge Myra awake and walking
Judging by the sound of his voice, the mare could tell that she was very close to Zachorzi. Just a moment later, she came jogging onto the horizon, breaking into canter as soon as she caught sight of the small herd. She nickered.
Zachorzi swiveled his ears, listening. Hearing a nicker, he turned to find the source. Once again, he tossed his head, whinnying for Angel and Sapphire.

Flicka smiled at them

Angel sighed and dipped her head to nudge Myra awake and walking
(see above)

Moon walked back over to Flicka.
Crystal flicked her tail and watched Moon. Lowering her head, she turned and walked away, distancing herself from the pair to graze.
Zachorzi swiveled his ears, listening. Hearing a nicker, he turned to find the source. Once again, he tossed his head, whinnying for Angel and Sapphire.

(see above)

Crystal flicked her tail and watched Moon. Lowering her head, she turned and walked away, distancing herself from the pair to graze.
Angel walked with her filly until she saw Zachorzi and another mare, whinnying she cam closer to the pair

Flicka nickered and nuzzled Moon then went to graze

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