Feathers! A story about chickens that I'm writing!

Misfits Farm 92

Free Ranging
5 Years
Dec 18, 2018
Southern Ohio
Feathers is a story about chickens. That sounds pretty simple RIGHT? Hahahahaha NOPE.

So I'll try not to get into the actual plot yet here are the flocks and everything.

Ranking: Top rooster and Top hen are the highest ranks. Then Watch hens or Watch roosters who watch for predators while the flock forages. There are also watch hen or rooster apprentices. Broody hen is only a temporary position but they are respected by all. Mid rank hens are just like it sounds mid ranking hens. Mid ranking roosters are usually ranked lower than mid rank hens but they are still mid ranked among the roosters. Bottom hen(s) and/or rooster(s) are just like omegas in a wolf pack. They get pecked by other chickens quite often and if they don't submit they be pecked more. They also do odd jobs around camp like in the Silk Feathers case training weeds to grow in certain places. All chickens are taught about healing so there is no need for a healer. None of the flocks know a whole lot about healing though. If a hen can't or doesn't want to go broody she will lay her egg in a nest and ask or order another hen to accept that egg.
The ranking in a gang isn't different it's just a lot more brutal. There aren't as many rules and the top rooster usually makes some of his own rules.
Flocks: Pure Feather, Silk Feather, Wild Feather, Small Feather.
The Pure Feathers are a flock of pure black chickens. They don't let outsiders into the flock and can be quite selfish at times. They roost inside a large old shed that was used to be used for the Silk Feathers. They live closest to the farmers house and do not allow other flocks or gangs near the food and water that the farmer puts out. If a chick that is not pure black hatches it will usually be raised until it is a pullet or cockerel capable of fending for itself then banished from the flock.

The Silk Feathers are a group of silkie feathered chickens. They aren't supposed to let chickens who aren't silkie feathered into their flock but their new top rooster has a bad habit of letting chickens overstay their welcome. They don't really roost because most of them are silkies and there isn't really a good place to roost any way. They stay at a log pile that sits beside the woods. They sleep inside hollowed out parts of rotten logs. They usually train the larger weeds so that they grow infront of the entrances to the logs. That means they do have to push through the weeds to get to the inside of the logs though so young chickens may have trouble with that. Some choose to go into the woods but few come back.

The Wild Feathers are a wild flock. They don't care what a chicken looks like but a chicken must go through a test before joining them. If the chicken fails this test it will be sent back out of the forest (this is an entirely different part of the forest from where the Silk Feathers are at.) The wild feathers are fairly isolated from the other flocks because of the forest. They even have different foraging areas. They forage in a wild overgrown meadow that has has a creek running through part of and into the woods. They roost in a swamp oak tree that grows right beside that creek inside the forest. Broody hens, chicks, pullets, and cockerels that can't or don't roost in the tree go underneath a large blackberry bush to roost or sit on eggs. The farmer doesn't know that these chickens went into the woods and assumes that they are dead. The Wild Feathers like it that way.

The Small Feathers allow any bantam chicken into there flock. There leader is a bantam malay rooster who chooses not to control his fighting instincts and kicks all other roosters out of his flock. The Small Feathers roost in an old chicken coop that was built for them many years ago but still stands.

The Orpingtons aren't really a flock but they aren't a gang either. They live in a small flock that actually has lasted three generations (chicken generations.) They live away from the other flocks at a back corner of the field. They don't have a very large territory because they live in a pumpkin patch and roost in the trees right beside it. In the winter when everything is frozen they have a pretty reliable food source of frozen pumpkins but of course they still try to catch rodents and things.

The Elder Flock is a special flock. This is a flock run by an owl, a raven, and a dove. They live in an old ban that's missing a small part of the wall. The ranks are a little different too. The owl's name is Oz. He's a very old barn owl who guards the elders in exchange for food. At this point though he would probably guard the elders without the other birds him food. The dove is a ringneck dove named Milkshake. Rats invaded his nest at his old home a while ago. He was forced to flee and become wild. He found the barn and made a new nest there. He became friends with Oz the owl and the chicken flocks. Once he saw a very old rooster about to be attacked by a possum. This was right outside the barn so he panicked and told Oz. Oz attacked the possum and brought the elderly rooster inside the barn. The rooster explained that he had left his old flock because he was fed up with being treated like he couldn't do anything. Oz and Milkshake told the rooster that he could stay in the barn. And that is how the elder flock was born. When a few more chickens joined the elder flock though Oz and Milkshake had trouble finding enough food for the elders. The elders would forage for themselves but they didn't venture far enough from the barn to eat very much. This is where Boots the raven came on and became the forager. Milkshake became the messenger. Boots became forager because he was friends with the chickens just like Milkshake and he needed a place to roost. Of course, Boots wouldn't be allowed to stay in the barn unless he gave something to the Elder flock so he happily foraged for them. With the help of the elders old flocks, Boots is able to keep the elders well fed. If a chicken wants to visit the elders it needs to provide a small offering to help feed them. Oops I said I wouldn't talk about the story yet.

Rooster gangs: there is only one rooster gang. It's Road Rashes Rooster Gang

Road Rashes Rooster Gang is where most roosters kicked out of the Small Feather flock go. There are only three hens. These hens are treated like royalty and each one chooses one single rooster as a mate. This Rooster gangs camp is located in the center if the field. Chickens roost wherever they want but the hens choose their spots first. Road Rashes Rooster Gang territory is HUGE. It covers the entire center of the field where other flocks don't feel safe foraging.

Wow! That took a long time to write but I probably haven't even explained half of this story yet.@SBFChickenGirl I said I would tag you if I ever posted a thread about the Feathers story.

The tag didn't work for some reason so I'll edit this post to do it again.

Feathers is a story about chickens. That sounds pretty simple RIGHT? Hahahahaha NOPE.

So I'll try not to get into the actual plot yet here are the flocks and everything.

Ranking: Top rooster and Top hen are the highest ranks. Then Watch hens or Watch roosters who watch for predators while the flock forages. There are also watch hen or rooster apprentices. Broody hen is only a temporary position but they are respected by all. Mid rank hens are just like it sounds mid ranking hens. Mid ranking roosters are usually ranked lower than mid rank hens but they are still mid ranked among the roosters. Bottom hen(s) and/or rooster(s) are just like omegas in a wolf pack. They get pecked by other chickens quite often and if they don't submit they be pecked more. They also do odd jobs around camp like in the Silk Feathers case training weeds to grow in certain places. All chickens are taught about healing so there is no need for a healer. None of the flocks know a whole lot about healing though. If a hen can't or doesn't want to go broody she will lay her egg in a nest and ask or order another hen to accept that egg.
The ranking in a gang isn't different it's just a lot more brutal. There aren't as many rules and the top rooster usually makes some of his own rules.
Flocks: Pure Feather, Silk Feather, Wild Feather, Small Feather.
The Pure Feathers are a flock of pure black chickens. They don't let outsiders into the flock and can be quite selfish at times. They roost inside a large old shed that was used to be used for the Silk Feathers. They live closest to the farmers house and do not allow other flocks or gangs near the food and water that the farmer puts out. If a chick that is not pure black hatches it will usually be raised until it is a pullet or cockerel capable of fending for itself then banished from the flock.

The Silk Feathers are a group of silkie feathered chickens. They aren't supposed to let chickens who aren't silkie feathered into their flock but their new top rooster has a bad habit of letting chickens overstay their welcome. They don't really roost because most of them are silkies and there isn't really a good place to roost any way. They stay at a log pile that sits beside the woods. They sleep inside hollowed out parts of rotten logs. They usually train the larger weeds so that they grow infront of the entrances to the logs. That means they do have to push through the weeds to get to the inside of the logs though so young chickens may have trouble with that. Some choose to go into the woods but few come back.

The Wild Feathers are a wild flock. They don't care what a chicken looks like but a chicken must go through a test before joining them. If the chicken fails this test it will be sent back out of the forest (this is an entirely different part of the forest from where the Silk Feathers are at.) The wild feathers are fairly isolated from the other flocks because of the forest. They even have different foraging areas. They forage in a wild overgrown meadow that has has a creek running through part of and into the woods. They roost in a swamp oak tree that grows right beside that creek inside the forest. Broody hens, chicks, pullets, and cockerels that can't or don't roost in the tree go underneath a large blackberry bush to roost or sit on eggs. The farmer doesn't know that these chickens went into the woods and assumes that they are dead. The Wild Feathers like it that way.

The Small Feathers allow any bantam chicken into there flock. There leader is a bantam malay rooster who chooses not to control his fighting instincts and kicks all other roosters out of his flock. The Small Feathers roost in an old chicken coop that was built for them many years ago but still stands.

The Orpingtons aren't really a flock but they aren't a gang either. They live in a small flock that actually has lasted three generations (chicken generations.) They live away from the other flocks at a back corner of the field. They don't have a very large territory because they live in a pumpkin patch and roost in the trees right beside it. In the winter when everything is frozen they have a pretty reliable food source of frozen pumpkins but of course they still try to catch rodents and things.

The Elder Flock is a special flock. This is a flock run by an owl, a raven, and a dove. They live in an old ban that's missing a small part of the wall. The ranks are a little different too. The owl's name is Oz. He's a very old barn owl who guards the elders in exchange for food. At this point though he would probably guard the elders without the other birds him food. The dove is a ringneck dove named Milkshake. Rats invaded his nest at his old home a while ago. He was forced to flee and become wild. He found the barn and made a new nest there. He became friends with Oz the owl and the chicken flocks. Once he saw a very old rooster about to be attacked by a possum. This was right outside the barn so he panicked and told Oz. Oz attacked the possum and brought the elderly rooster inside the barn. The rooster explained that he had left his old flock because he was fed up with being treated like he couldn't do anything. Oz and Milkshake told the rooster that he could stay in the barn. And that is how the elder flock was born. When a few more chickens joined the elder flock though Oz and Milkshake had trouble finding enough food for the elders. The elders would forage for themselves but they didn't venture far enough from the barn to eat very much. This is where Boots the raven came on and became the forager. Milkshake became the messenger. Boots became forager because he was friends with the chickens just like Milkshake and he needed a place to roost. Of course, Boots wouldn't be allowed to stay in the barn unless he gave something to the Elder flock so he happily foraged for them. With the help of the elders old flocks, Boots is able to keep the elders well fed. If a chicken wants to visit the elders it needs to provide a small offering to help feed them. Oops I said I wouldn't talk about the story yet.

Rooster gangs: there is only one rooster gang. It's Road Rashes Rooster Gang

Road Rashes Rooster Gang is where most roosters kicked out of the Small Feather flock go. There are only three hens. These hens are treated like royalty and each one chooses one single rooster as a mate. This Rooster gangs camp is located in the center if the field. Chickens roost wherever they want but the hens choose their spots first. Road Rashes Rooster Gang territory is HUGE. It covers the entire center of the field where other flocks don't feel safe foraging.

Wow! That took a long time to write but I probably haven't even explained half of this story yet.@SBFChickenGirl I said I would tag you if I ever posted a thread about the Feathers story.

The tag didn't work for some reason so I'll edit this post to do it again.

This is some amazing worldbuilding that you've got going on!!! You mentioned a farmer... does the farmer have anything to do with the story?
I love how you have little gangs/flocks/clans. You've put a lot of thought into this, I can tell!
The farmer is an old man who used to breed chickens. Unfortunately he could no longer take care of them properly so he let them all free range and just throws food out for them each day. The Pure Feather flock won't let the other flocks eat the food though. The farmer doesn't know this. The farmer also has a brother. His brother is a retired avian vet. When a tornado hit the farm and Boots was a tiny chick the farmers brother found him on the ground. He raised Boots until he was old enough to fly around and forage. That's why Boots likes the chickens.
The farmer is an old man who used to breed chickens. Unfortunately he could no longer take care of them properly so he let them all free range and just throws food out for them each day. The Pure Feather flock won't let the other flocks eat the food though. The farmer doesn't know this. The farmer also has a brother. His brother is a retired avian vet. When a tornado hit the farm and Boots was a tiny chick the farmers brother found him on the ground. He raised Boots until he was old enough to fly around and forage. That's why Boots likes the chickens.
That's great!

You said this was going to be a graphic novel?

Will there be multiple books? Or just one?
I may make a roleplay about the Wild Feather flock just for fun since that flock isn't very complicated yet.
Making CRP's are amazing, you can take your characters and see how they would react in situations that you aren't exactly in control of. They help you get to know characters and the world better and are an amazing inspiration!
The farmer is an old man who used to breed chickens. Unfortunately he could no longer take care of them properly so he let them all free range and just throws food out for them each day. The Pure Feather flock won't let the other flocks eat the food though. The farmer doesn't know this. The farmer also has a brother. His brother is a retired avian vet. When a tornado hit the farm and Boots was a tiny chick the farmers brother found him on the ground. He raised Boots until he was old enough to fly around and forage. That's why Boots likes the chickens.
Whose boots?

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