Brumbies Of Silver Falls- A Role Play Always Accepting! *RESTART*

(It's fine :3)

Flynn nibbled on the lush grass near by some trees, not exactly hungry but just wanting something to do

Skye lay with her jowl resting on her fore leg, sleeping lightly
(Maybe a little bit, and I've been quite busy lately. But I'm here now :))

Ace nickered to the mare and foals behind him, turning his body around to face them properly. They were safe, so he thought
Dash sniffed the air, he could sense Skye was in heat again, he whinnied to her
(Whatever you prefer :))

Flynn tossed her head and nickered in reply "Hey!"
(I think timeskip would be easier:) )
Zap looked at her"Can we go out and play?" He asked Dapple

Dapple looked up from grazing" Just be back shortly" She nickered and chewed out a knot in his mane. She went back to grazing.
(I think timeskip would be easier:) )
Zap looked at her"Can we go out and play?" He asked Dapple

Dapple looked up from grazing" Just be back shortly" She nickered and chewed out a knot in his mane. She went back to grazing.
(Ok, 30 mins later then? That way Flynn and Zap can already be by the stream or something)
(it's alright)

Scarlet took a step forward and rubbed her head against his shoulder, indicating a yes.
Orestes closed his eyes and nickered. He'd half-expected her to bite him and run away, or at least try to run away.

(Maybe a little bit, and I've been quite busy lately. But I'm here now :))

Ace nickered to the mare and foals behind him, turning his body around to face them properly. They were safe, so he thought
Inferno slid to a stop, while Scorch hit a rocky patch and went sliding across the ground.

Adara and Myollnir stood beside Inferno, but they watched Scorch.

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