bubbles coming out of pip what should I do?


8 Years
Jul 15, 2011
I have never seen this before. Foamy looking bubbles coming out of Pip. Should I be doing something for this chick? None of the others have this.
I saw someone talking about this on another thread!! If there is bubbles it is drowning! Wash ur hands, take out the egg, gently chip away the shell around the pip with tweezers just a little bit and peel the white membrane away so it can breathe. Let it's beak get exposed, moisten the membranes around it with warm water and put it back in the bator to recover. Keep a close eye on this one.
That is kind of what I thought. So I pulled it out and peeled back some of the shell. It had already died. There was definitely something abnormal about it. It was extremely gooey, and covered in this thick fluid that looked like corn syrup. The air cell looked good on lock down, and they will be on day 21 at 8:30 tomorrow morning, so not to early either. We already had one of its siblings pip, zip, and hatch and it looks nice and dry, no unabsorbed yolk or anything. Hopefully it was just a fluke and will be the only one.

Thanks for your suggestions.
No, that isn't normal either. It soudns like it pipped through a blood vessel. It should be pipping through the air cell. If there's blood then it didn't make it to the air cell. Is it pipping on the side? Or at the wrong end? You will have to watch this one closely as well. Make sure the membranes stay moist. Read this article, it'll help you out a lot:

Well I woke this morning and no movement from the above mentioned egg. Opened the egg and the baby was dead. So disappointed this probably would of been my only egg to hatch. None of the others are pipped. How many days should I wait?

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