Bubbles in Eyes


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2018
Went out to check on my chickens this morning and one of my girls has what I think is discharge coming from her eyes... it looks like bubbles. Ideas on what this is? She's walking around with her flock mates and seems aware, acting normal. None of the other birds have this. Thanks!


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Also, I've now noticed the same stuff in her nose. She also has an airy sounding sneeze cough thing going too.
It sounds like mycoplasma (MG,) a respiratory disease that causes sinus infection and pinkeye. Get some Tylan 50 injectable at your TSC or feed store. Give it orally to just the sick chicken, 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound 2-3 times daily for 5 days. Get a few 3 ml syringes ith 18 or 20 gauge needles to remove it from the vial, and remove the needle to give it into the beak a few drops at a time so she doesn’t choke. A 5 pound chicken dose would be 1 1/4 ml. How long have you had her, and have you added any new birds lately? Here is some reading about MG:
http://extension.umd.edu/sites/exte... Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
It sounds like mycoplasma (MG,) a respiratory disease that causes sinus infection and pinkeye. Get some Tylan 50 injectable at your TSC or feed store. Give it orally to just the sick chicken, 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound 2-3 times daily for 5 days. Get a few 3 ml syringes ith 18 or 20 gauge needles to remove it from the vial, and remove the needle to give it into the beak a few drops at a time so she doesn’t choke. A 5 pound chicken dose would be 1 1/4 ml. How long have you had her, and have you added any new birds lately? Here is some reading about MG:
http://extension.umd.edu/sites/extension.umd.edu/files/_docs/programs/poultry/FS-1008 Recognizing and Preventing Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf

I got her as a day old chick from Meyers Hatchery (she's just over 15 weeks old). The end of September we got some started pullets at a poultry swap and kept them separated for 4 weeks. We didn't notice any issues so we combined the birds. That was 3 weeks ago. Is there anything else I should look for? Her discharge is clear and she keeps clearing her eyes on her feathers. Should I separate her from the rest of the flock? Or has the damage already been done and the whole flock may be carriers? Thanks for the help!
No need to separate. They have probably all been exposed to it already. It is possible that one or more of the new pullets was a carrier, or they have been exposed by wild birds. It can be carried in on shoes, and can be very common in back yard flocks.

Look for swelling around an eye or the face, or any pus in the eye. They can have sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or rattles. A lot depends on if they just have MG or if they get a secondary infection. The earlier you treat with the Tylan 50, the better the chances that more symptoms will not develop. You might want to keep her caged in a dog crate with food and water in the coop with the others, so that you can get her out for each dose of medicine.

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