Bucket / nipple system - how often does water need changing?


5 Years
May 17, 2017
Hi, I am a new chicken owner. Our flock of 6 is about 8 weeks old and we recently put them outdoors. We started using a 5-gallon lidded bucket with vertical nipples for watering. I add a little organic apple cider vinegar to the water as I understand it helps prevent it going bad. Although they are fine with using the nipples, they do not go through the water very quickly so I have only changed it twice so far over two weeks - and there has been plenty of water left in it. Just wondering if the water goes bad in this system and needs changing more frequently or if once a week is safe.
I have this same issue! I don't add ACV tho. I generally change the water every week or 10 days, but it is pristine and I'm not sure it's necessary. I usually check to be sure nipples are working every day also. I also feed fermented feed so they get some water from that.

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