Buckeye Breed Thread

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This is number 41 weighing in at 6.8 lbs. He's a very calm bird.



Ok, this is the final one above 6 lbs. he weighs 6.1 lbs. He was also the cockerel that was feather picked (see bare spot on back) when we switched to the organic feed (but quickly switched back). I'm not sure what that says about his disposition.


Hes too young to tell hes still scraggly and still needs to fill in IMO.

So how old should they be to make selections? There was a paper on selecting birds by Jeanette Beranger and Don Shrider on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy site that used 8 weeks and 16 weeks for the selection of Buckeyes so I was thinking that at 18 weeks it would be possible to select?
Hes too young to tell hes still scraggly and still needs to fill in IMO.

So how old should they be to make selections? There was a paper on selecting birds by Jeanette Beranger and Don Shrider on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy site that used 8 weeks and 16 weeks for the selection of Buckeyes so I was thinking that at 18 weeks it would be possible to select?

It was after 8 months that I selected my breeding roosters and Im wishing that I would have kept them longer.
So how old should they be to make selections? There was a paper on selecting birds by Jeanette Beranger and Don Shrider on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy site that used 8 weeks and 16 weeks for the selection of Buckeyes so I was thinking that at 18 weeks it would be possible to select?

It was after 8 months that I selected my breeding roosters and Im wishing that I would have kept them longer.

this was my cockerel a few months ago and this is him now:

I like to wait to 24 weeks at least. If I had to pick one right now, it would be number 41. I don't know if its just the way he's standing, but he looks more squareish and more balanced, with his back flatter. However, understand that you cannot judge their color by photography, it can be so misleading, so I am strictly looking at type.
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