Buckeye Breed Thread

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When I pull out the camera, they all go running off. It is difficult getting a good picture.

Those are good looking birds!!
Does anyone have hatching eggs for buyckeyes, i wanted to start incubating in the next couple weeks or so for the spring time
Quote: I have not even set my breeding pens up yet & will not do so until just after the new year. I usually start collecting eggs in February & march, hatch in March, April and as late as June. During the hottest of the summer, I like to let all the birds out so they can fend best against the heat.

Here is one of my keepers. This cockerel is a little over 7 months old (hatched late April) and weighs 9.1 lb already -- he is just a monster on heart girth, total back width, had a fast growth rate (something I am trying to select for). Finally he is showing some sickle feather growth. He'll still fill in some over the next couple of months so it will be exciting to see his weight at one year. This male is also the only one I kept out of that breeding group (which was a pretty good pen this year):

Great looking birds. I have a big, beautiful buckeye rooster, hatched in April. Would like to keep him but already have a rooster. I can see already that having 2 is not going to work. I am in eastern Washington state.
Hello All,
I'm new to this thread and just acquired a couple of Buckeyes. I would love your input on them. Be honest, I can take it. Thanks for your feedback in advance.

The color may be a little funky due to my camera, but it's pretty close. This fellow came from a local breeder. He is very calm and easily handled, if not easily caught...

Here is the hen. Again, color is close but likely not totally accurate. Her comb is very small, but I do see three rows. They both have rather reddish eyes, and she definitely has barring on the undercolor of her feathers. I didn't detect any split-feather issues and the beaks look good in shape, if not a little dark in color.
Anyway, I'd love the thoughts of those more seasoned than myself.
The female appears to have black on her body feathers, which you dont want. I like the size of her comb and wattles though.
Hello All,
I'm new to this thread and just acquired a couple of Buckeyes. I would love your input on them. Be honest, I can take it. Thanks for your feedback in advance.

The color may be a little funky due to my camera, but it's pretty close. This fellow came from a local breeder. He is very calm and easily handled, if not easily caught...

Here is the hen. Again, color is close but likely not totally accurate. Her comb is very small, but I do see three rows. They both have rather reddish eyes, and she definitely has barring on the undercolor of her feathers. I didn't detect any split-feather issues and the beaks look good in shape, if not a little dark in color.
Anyway, I'd love the thoughts of those more seasoned than myself.
Quote: What are their ages in the picture? Have you weighed them at a particular age(s)? What were their weights at what ages(s)? What are their weights now? The male's shanks look too thin so I suspect he does not weigh what he should (but I am limited on the photo). Weight, size can be diet related (what he ate growing up). I do not judge color by a photo. Evenness of color overall is more important than specific shade. I cannot discern skull thickness (and it is more difficult when not comparing side-by-side with other males & females of same age) but the female appears to have a nice head.

You do not say whether you are a breeder or plan to hatch from them or they just part of your flock to enjoy. If you do plan to breed / hatch, then the following is my words of advice: Both are fine to mate with once. OSU Man is correct about the black on the female's body, but such black is much more tolerable in the females (males give two genes for color and the female one so less tolerable in the male). In other words, I will breed with those black splotched females (and even did breed with a heavily black spotted male this year but his type was A+ -- ), but I tolerate it much less in their offspring. Mated to a dark male, those black spotted females will produce some nicely colored males. That smuttiness on the female's wing is not desirable so just make sure that you do not breed any of her offspring who share the same undesired trait (you can put those pullets in the layer-only flock only or something). I notice a small amount of smuttiness on the male's wing too (both with this trait could give you trouble later so just do not tolerate it any further in first feathers). Without handling the bird, I cannot gauge heart girth, width of back (& whether it tapers or goes all the way in width like it should), body depth, width- space between legs? On the female, the keel to hip bone span, etc. I would like to see a rear view of both-- does his/ her tail spread to about the width of back or is it more pinched. A better spread is more desired. {These traits & weight -- only known & discerned from handling are more important than ALL the color, combs in the world.}

Do they have a bar of slate in the under-color of the back? How's the under-color in the other parts of the body other than the back?
Great questions all. Unfortunately I don't know much about them because I just happened upon them yesterday at a feed store and they caught my eye. Apparently a local breeder had raised them for show and likely culled them due to (uncertain)? I want to breed Buckeyes, but I can tolerate, and will have, a "laying only" pen as you suggested. The male is pretty heavy in my estimation, and his tail feathers spread about the width of the back if memory serves (I'm away at the moment). I was impressed when I lifted him, but I don't have another Buckeye to compare him to. I have a couple of little guys from a hatchery, and they are so inquisitive and kind that I really wanted to get more into the birds. (However, they appear to have light eyes so they'll go into the laying/sale pen) I don't know their age, again because of how I acquired them. I did check the female for slate barring on the under-color of her back, which was present. Not sure about other parts of the body. I'll work on more pictures.. thanks so much!
P.S. any suggestions on how I can acquire "better" birds for the future?
There is a breeder of Buckeyes out there your way I know had some good stock. I'll see if I can't find exactly where, who they are. Nothing wrong with starting with what you have to breed and see what you get. Your male looks better than the one I started with. Color of eye can vary depending on the age of the bird. It is something I NEVER consider; I am years from worrying about eye color. Who is putting that out there? For the first few years, like me, you should concern yourself with type & size. I am not advance enough to consider color as cull; there are some breeders who are, not me. This year, I bred a male nobody else wanted because of his color. I liked him for his type. He was the best type Buckeye I saw for the year (he did not/ could not win any shows).
... Color of eye can vary depending on the age of the bird. It is something I NEVER consider; I am years from worrying about eye color. Who is putting that out there? ...
I think I got that from the SOP, so I'm probably just worrying too much. I would really appreciate any info you have on a breeder in California. Thank you so much for all that feedback, I feel much better about the whole thing. Hopefully more pictures soon...
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