Buckeye Breed Thread

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There is no need to get into a pissing match.....I only posted it here because this site gets a decent volume of people that view it and a place to advise the unsuspecting.
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No pissing match here!
This is actually kind of fun, feeling like Sherlock Holmes.
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Well how odd. The seller cancelled my bid, and then ended the listing, "This item is no longer available." Never did answer my question.

I guess they really didn't live in Williamstown after all. I think the whole thing was a spoof. I wonder who would do that? Hmm...
He got message and got back with me............taken care of........he didn't care much for me calling him illegitament. All I can say in this situation is....if the shoe fits.......I somehow feel that he had the best of intentions try to represent the birds in the a "good light". It is what it is.
If you are having problems selling your fowl for what they look like, you shouldn't use other peoples pictures!
At the very least, if using a picture from elsewhere, one should give full photo credit for it. The seller using that particular photo was, IMO, misrepresenting that THAT was the type of bird he was breeding and the buyer would be getting eggs from.

Kinda like a few years ago when I bought a few batches of Barnevelder and Marans eggs, and despite the sellers showing photos of extra dark, chocolate brown eggs, what I actually received were creamy beige (not even as dark as a hatchery BPR or RIR egg) through at most a number 5. And then THEY got angry with ME for giving true feedback concerning the actual egg color.
He got message and got back with me............taken care of........he didn't care much for me calling him illegitament. All I can say in this situation is....if the shoe fits.......I somehow feel that he had the best of intentions try to represent the birds in the a "good light". It is what it is.
Last week I had a very similar situation with another breed. The person involved used the text from my earlier posting, word for word. They just cut and pasted. In a way I was flattered because they felt it was good enough to use, but on the other hand, I worked very hard to craft an accurate and interesting message. Because they were selling the "same" product I was, they were arguably using my efforts to compete against me. It was my intellectual property. I did report it to ebay, but that did no good. Instead, I contacted the seller directly, asked them to take it down or change it. They were very compliant, apologized, and made everything right by promoting my website on their future sales and using their own language on those sales. I think it worked out well for all, but I was shocked when I first noticed it. Just wanted to share with you all.
A chilly five degrees here in northern KY this morning, with about an inch or so of snow (which for here, is a lot.) Hope you all are keeping warm out there!
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Yes it was 8 degrees here in Missouri too this morning. The Buckeyes are my favorite through this kind of weather, they do better than most. Had 2 eggs this morning when I took them water.
Yep, mine didn't need much coaxing to come right out into the snow.

2012 hatch cockerel (missing some tail feathers because DD#2 had to grab him the other night as he dashed around avoiding being put up and all she could get was his tail!)

2012 hatch pullet.

2010 hen and 2012 pullet.
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