Buckeye Breed Thread

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I guess I am going to be an official Buckeye breeder today! I have a pip. These are from Ohio. I can't wait to see the chick.
No, but I have looked at the site and wondered about them. If you get some, will you update us with how they look when they grow out? I wonder what their source was for their birds...
Please show us pics asap! I wanna see what they look like. I only have one egg so far but am anxious for more! Might have to put it in my pocket to try and incubate it!
I sure will, I simply can't believe it is time already. Honest, I am so surprised. I thought I had at least another day and that even seems way too early. But the calander say different.

I have Marans and Buckeyes pipping together.
I wonder if I ask Meyer where there adults come from if I would get a answer. I guess it would't hurt to make a phone call.
In the last three days, I have come to really enjoy my new Buckeyes. Although bantams, they seem quiet, approachable, docile and gently take bread from my hand.... wish the girls would shag their little fuzzy butts loose with some more eggs but....... adjusting to new feed and surroundings etc. They are also VERY healthy and robust! When I pick them up they feel absolutley solid and dense with meat! These are pets so I won't be eating them but I can only imagine the LF how meaty they would be!

Hey cars, maybe you could drive to Owatana and p/u the chicks saving the shipping cost or, maybe Duane will be coming to the New Ulm or St. James swaps? The first swap of the season is in St. James, Feb. 7th., 7:00 til noon at the usual place. I checked it out on the BCPPA website.
It generally takes chickens a week or so to recover from a major stress like being moved, and at this time of year, it might take longer than that for them to pick up and lay well again. They might do it sooner, but don't be disappointed if it takes a little while.

Har, that is where I got mine.They are really nice birds whether they are show or breeding quaility don't know.But their personalites and eggs are great!
Thanks ellieroo

I tried to call them they were closed for the holidays. I have dealt with meyer in the past and had good luck with them.
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