Buckeye Breed Thread

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My Buckeyes (from JamesA) are growing! My Valentine's Day hatch!





Do they all have thick legs, or do I have a bunch of roosters?
Please tell me they all have thick legs!
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So what is the youngest age you'd consider showing a Buckeye cockerel or pullet? We have a fair this summer that will come at about 18 weeks, and I'm wondering if they'll be mature enough to be worth taking.
Kathy, are you raising Buckeyes with Orpingtons? Guess I will too. Have both Orpington and Buckeyes set and should hatch together. As for Buckeye legs, well they are all larger legs than an Orpington. A lot harder to sex as well. How many Buckeyes do you have?
Well, they are all in a grow-out pen together. They will each have their own pen after they grow-out.

I have 17 Buckeyes. I had 9 hatch the first hatch, and 8 the second hatch a month younger than the pictured ones.
Kathy, thanks for these pictures. I am pleased to see speckled feathers on the heads of your birds, and light-tipped wing feathers. My buckeyes from Ideal (2/3 hatch) have these, and I thought they were all completely untrue to type. I'm feeling a bit better now.

Mine also have thick legs, both hens and roos. I can tell the difference in between hens and roo in most of mine -- the roos have three rows of bumps in the comb, and the hens have only one, or a much less prominent and lighter color comb. The hens also seem to be on average a lighter brown, but again, Ideal buckeyes, not necessarily true to type. Also this morning one of the roos started trying to crow. At 9 weeks! He's not big enough for the pot yet!

If I were to guess I'd say #1 is a hen, #2 is a roo, and #3 in front is definitely a roo. Can't tell in #4.
Well, they are all in a grow-out pen together. They will each have their own pen after they grow-out.

I have 17 Buckeyes. I had 9 hatch the first hatch, and 8 the second hatch a month younger than the pictured ones.

My grow-out pen has buckeyes, guineas, two geese and two adult Muscovy ducks. Am hoping the Buckeyes will teach my guineas. Hopefully, it is not the guineas teaching the Buckeyes.
I haven't really tried to sex my Buckeyes yet .... I just see all those thick legs, and think ...... oh no, roosters!
I should go out and try to see what I have!

I grow-out all breeds together, that hatch together. I haven't had a problem. Right now the older Buckeyes are with Furry Ameraucanas, Orpingtons, and Wheaton Marans. The other grow-out pen the Buckeyes are with Delawares, RIR, Lavender Ameraucanas, and Orps.
Haven't tried to sex mine either. Seperated my Jumbo Pharoah quail this morning. Lots of work. I only had 32 quail, 16 males, 16 hens. I know I have some Buckeye pullets, and the boys are sparring! Jen was here yesterday and inspected them. I checked and made certain my wife's crested Mallards were still here after Jen left.
I have promised her some eggs! Buck is now P/T tested for Pine Bluff and Little Rock! Thanks Jen!
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