Buckeye Breed Thread

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Funny how that happens. They take over with their poultry craziness but it's us who end up cleaning the coops most of the time.
My husband is going to have to throttle back his desire to breed his feather loves or build be a real barn to manage them all.
I'm new to the Buckeyes, having just received my day-olds this past Tuesday from Laura (thank you, Laura!).

When does one band, and what size bands are used? I want to be able to keep track of who's who as I go along.

Thank you

Janet Hatch
Kingston, MO
Welcome Janet!!

I really need to post some pictures. I have the 4 I hatched from Laura out in my big coop with the ones I got from the Ohio National. I have the ones I hatched from JamesA out in a tractor (grow out coop) and i have 14 I hatched of my own from my original two in a brooder. I would love to get some opinions on how they are progressing. It's supposed to rain all weekend so I am hoping to get some pics next weekend.
Here's my story that needs resolution Help!! Got Buckeyes last year and the coop was going up ASAP.The only one I had was small for bantys SLW in the barn. Wellll !! The coop is finally done the Buckeyes have been laying great eggs in the garage for months. Free ranging the backyard so they have seen the other chickens but now my DH wants to just throw them all together in the new coop ?? I don't see a happy outcome.. Suggestions predictions
Point of order:

"Buck" was given to my children by a wonderful lady, originally from Ohio, Jen Scott. These victories should have been Jen's. My children fully understand they are winning off of Jen's labors. It is most appreciated! The least they could do today was to offer up a free PBJ sandwich to their new best friend, Jen!

I recall when I first learned of exhibition poultry, only one fellow would help me. Mr. Suiter. Four years later I learned he had lied about the location of the nearest poultry show; that he was a dealer, not a breeder; and that $30 Golden Sebright was actually a $3.00 cull!

It is so nice that breeders like Jen give up a champion to the youth. In return, we give full credit to Jen; Dave; the ALBC and Ms. Metcalf!
Went out today to meet the breeder and check out his flocks. He specializes in Old English, wow! Gorgeous! His buckeye flock is small but really nice looking. He'll have chicks for us around the end of May or being of June.
Point of order:

"Buck" was given to my children by a wonderful lady, originally from Ohio, Jen Scott. These victories should have been Jen's. My children fully understand they are winning off of Jen's labors. It is most appreciated! The least they could do today was to offer up a free PBJ sandwich to their new best friend, Jen!

I recall when I first learned of exhibition poultry, only one fellow would help me. Mr. Suiter. Four years later I learned he had lied about the location of the nearest poultry show; that he was a dealer, not a breeder; and that $30 Golden Sebright was actually a $3.00 cull!

It is so nice that breeders like Jen give up a champion to the youth. In return, we give full credit to Jen; Dave; the ALBC and Ms. Metcalf!

Hi Jim-
Do you sell hatching eggs? Or ship day old chicks?

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