Buckeye Breed Thread

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I had my chicks hatch out about page 114 (April 2, 2010) -- 8 hatched, 6 survived. They're feathering in nicely, are energetic and seem to be healthy birds but one is decidedly different from hizzer brethren. My odd chick out is half the size of the rest. Does dwarfism occur in chickens, is it just a runt, or is it possible that one of its distant ancestors was scared by a bantam?

The friend that was going to share a dozen hatching eggs decided that she didn't want Buckeyes after all, so the latest batch is all mine. I'm SO heartbroken
. Unfortunately my husband has finally put his foot down about feathered critters so these Buckeyes are the last I'm going to be able to hatch until I get my chicken plucker built and prove that I can actually thin down the thundering herd
. Just because I lost track of how many ducks I have and can't seem to control my chicken hatching habits...y'know, it just doesn't seem fair.
Has anyone got buckeyes from Ideal Hatchery? If so, do you happen to know what lines they have? I have four hens from them and emailed them about it. They have their own breeding stock on their farm; however, they do not know their origin. These hens seem to have all the characteristics of a buckeye but seem to be lighter colored than some of my other hens. I do not want to include them in my breeding program if they are not pure buckeyes or if they are not close to the standard. I will try to get some pictures and post them over the weekend.
You might want to set a piece of 2"x2" or 2"x4" (with a short piece of 1x board screwed to it to help stabilize it and keep it from rolling around...if you use a 2"x2" piece) in the coop for them to practice getting on and "roosting". Lots of folks will put something like this in the brooders as "practice roosts". Lay it down on the litter and I bet you'll soon see'em start "roosting".

Best wishes,
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Mine do that too i thought that it was weird but then i realized that the person that I got my Buckeyes from didn't even have roosts for them to roost on (from my memory). I had one that roosted above the others that were huddling

After over 5 months (and several drownings in the rain) we have finally got "most" of our Buckeyes to roost. Took lots of placing them on the roosts to get there! Maybe it is an incubator thing. A mother hen would have taught them to roost.
j.luetkemeyer :

Has anyone got buckeyes from Ideal Hatchery? If so, do you happen to know what lines they have? I have four hens from them and emailed them about it. They have their own breeding stock on their farm; however, they do not know their origin. These hens seem to have all the characteristics of a buckeye but seem to be lighter colored than some of my other hens. I do not want to include them in my breeding program if they are not pure buckeyes or if they are not close to the standard. I will try to get some pictures and post them over the weekend.

Someone posted awhile back somewhere that Ideal got their Buckeyes from a breeder in Oklahoma. It was brown/Urch line. Hope that helps.​
Yes, I also contacted him about buying eggs a few times, he responded once, sent him 2 emails since to purchase some eggs. havent heard back. Im still looking to get some nice quality buckeys!

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